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-The Counter-

Site launch on ??/??/2001
Best viewed on 640 by 480 monitor, created on an IBM Computer
Proudly Made In The USA

Back in the days before the sun began to shine, back in the days of the dinosaurs. No wait a second. I went back too far. It may seem like this long ago, but this story took place back when my brother and I first got our Nintendo.

As any beginner, my brother and I wern't very good at Nintendo. We did okay at Duck Hunt considering how we both just started to play not that long before hand. Super mario Bros. was a different story altogether. My brother could get to stage 1-2 doing his best, while I couldn't even get out of stage 1-1. TO me it now sounds awful but I guess that was the best my brother and I could do at the time.

One day my dad decided to play Nintendo. He decided to play Super Mario Bros. My dad almost NEVER plays(ed) Nintendo and when he does he doesn't do very good compared to my brother and I.

My dad slowly but surely inches through stage 1-1 of Super Mario Bros. My brother and I are watching carefully. We start getting excited when my dad makes it to level 1-2. My dad slowly craws past the goombas and the koopa troopas. He slowly makes it to the the area around the pirrahna plants.

I can't remember for sure(maybe my brother does) but my dad got caught right by the pirrahna plants (we called them man-eating plants). Either he fell in the hole or the pirrahna got him.

Whatever the case may be, my brother and I were so impressed. My brother and I never made it to that part before. That was back when my dad was king at Nintendo (atleast at SMB, he had trouble with the cacti in Chip N Dale though he was able to win Rescue: The Embassy Mission).

In later years, my brother and I were able to whup my dad at virtually every game we have. Sometimes my brother and I still try to "unlock" my dads skill at Nintendo games. Every few months, we'll all play Mario Kart 64 and my dad has gotten pretty close to winning on the Luigi Raceway a few times.

Other times my dad will play racing games at the arcades against my brother and I. He even whupped me a few times, he does better in the arcades then at home. We'll play Datona USA, Crusin USA, Crusin World or Crusin Exotica. Maybe someday my dad will gain his videogame skill back. We can only hope that he does.

One last thing is this: I am better at winning videogames then my brother is, but my brother "discovers" all of the weird glitches. My brother obtained this glitchy screen thing while playing Crusin Exotica at the arcades, he performed a spinning rook trick in Battle Chess for PC, and he entered a glitch world in Mega Man II for Nintendo, all without trying! I guess different people have different skills when it comes to videogames.