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-The Counter-

Site launch on ??/??/2001
Best viewed on 640 by 480 monitor, created on an IBM Computer
Proudly Made In The USA

Interview with Franz Lanzinger

I got in touch with Franz Lanzinger this time, and he tells about working at Tengen and also AVE making Krazy Kreatures.

The Warp Zone :
When/why did you start working at Tengen?

Franz Lanzinger :
Well, I needed a job, and they offered me work there in 1989.

The Warp Zone :
What games did you produce, or work on?

Franz Lanzinger :
I worked on Toobin' and Ms. Pac Man for Tengen.

The Warp Zone :
Why did you then switch to American Video Entertainment?

Franz Lanzinger :
Dane O'Riva and I started Bitmasters, a small development company. We needed a publisher and AVE was our first real income.

The Warp Zone :
You worked on Krazy Kreatures, that was a cool game. Why did you put more then one ending in it?

Franz Lanzinger :
Because we thought that would be more fun.

The Warp Zone :
Was there ever a Krazy Kreatures 2 or was there just plans or what?

Franz Lanzinger :
We planned on a sequel, but with AVE going under it never happened.

The Warp Zone :
How many people worked at Tengen?

Franz Lanzinger :
Tengen had lots of employees (about 30)