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-The Counter-

Site launch on ??/??/2001
Best viewed on 640 by 480 monitor, created on an IBM Computer
Proudly Made In The USA

I remember several years ago when my brother and I first played Super Mario Bros. 3. We had rented it one time, and then my brother's friend(Jeff) got it. Jeff brought it over a few times for us to play. Then my brother and I finally got our own copy of Super Mario Bros. 3. This is where the strange story begins.

One day Jeff comes over to our house. He brings a few games with to play, including Super Mario Bros. 3. At this time we also had a copy of Super Mario Bros. 3. Looking back on a few scraps of evidence and Jeff's personality, my brother and I have discovered that Jeff may have swapped the two Super Mario Bros. 3 games, thus giving him the less played version. Here is the evidence:

  • Jeff brought his Super Mario Bros 3 to our house even though we had a copy of the game
  • Our current Super Mario Bros 3 box is in bad shape yet our original one wasn't.
  • We wanted to look at the back of his box when he brought it yet we already had a box to look at, possibly because Super Mario Bros 3 had two box variations.
  • Jeff was the type of guy who might do that sort of thing

    The Super Mario Bros. 3 swap may be more than just a myth, yet it may not be true either. There is really not enough evidence to prove either way. Judge for yourself.