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I remember seeing this doc on a message board way back when and I found it quite interesting, actually for I enjoy Castlevania III and the NES Game Atlas. I cannot remember who wrote up this list of errors in the Castlevania III section of the NES Game Atlas but if anyone remembers who did this, I'll gladly give credit where it is due. Anyway, enjoy the list.

I mentioned before that there were at least 20 errors in the Castlevania 3 section of the NES Altas Nintendo Player's Guide (which came free with a subscription to Nintendo Power way back when. Despite these errors it's still a fairly cool guide, but perhaps not as cool as the Top Secret Codes guide [which could probably use a new issue] but I forgot which thread I stated that in, so I'll just start a new thread on them. These are taken from memory, by looking at the Atlas, and so I may miss a few errors. Anyway, here are the errors.

  • NO crosses are labeled in the atlas.
  • The first big heart in stage 2 is labeled wrong
  • The next labeled big heart (across from a gear) is not a big heart. It is a multiple shot. It will only be a big heart if you either can't get a big heart (because you don't have a weapon, for example) or you already have a triple shot.
  • Doesn't show the holy water at the end of the vertically scrolling area of 2-1.
  • Doesn't show the meat at teh end of 3-2.
  • Meat at the end of stage 3, during the boss fight, is not labeled. (if you look at the map, you can see some meat on the map where the block the meat is in should be. But for some reason it's not labeled.)
  • Invisiblity potion in stage 4-A is not shown (this is the only invisiblity potion in the game).
  • A whole part of the map of stage 4-B is missing. Part of this map includes a meat, which is not shown.
  • 1-up in 4-C is not labled! However, a side bar later describes how to get it.
  • Meat in 4-D is not shown.
  • Double shot in block beneath axe, on the screen below the boss, in 4-E not shown.
  • Meat in wall of 4-1 not labeled.
  • Meat in 5-1 not labeled.
  • A big heart in 5-1 is labeled where none exists.
  • 1-up at the end of 5-1 not labeled.
  • Dagger in 5-3 not labeled.
  • Meat in 5-5 not labeled.
  • 1-up in 5-6 not labeled (the guide describes how to get it later, though).
  • Meat at the end of 5-A not labeled.
  • 1-up in 5-B not labeled (similar deal with 1-up's in 4-C and 5-6).
  • Meat in 5-C, at Frankenstein, not labeled.
  • They really screwed up the map for the end of stage 6. Instead of showing the final screen of 6-C in the map where it should be, a screen several screens earlier is used. The meat that is in the correct part of the stage is not shown.
  • A money bag is labeled in 6-4. This is inconsistent, because it's the only money bag labeled in the game.
  • On page 171, for the "Meat your fate" caption, the wrong picture is used.
  • A labeled 1-up in 5-4 is actually meat.
  • This one I'm not sure about. Meat is labeled in 5-6, but I'm not sure what the arrow is pointing to. I don't think there is meat in 5-6, though, but I'm not 100% sure.
  • Meat in 5-7, near the axe man, is not labeled.
  • Double shot in 7-A is mislabeled.
  • I'm not sure about this one, either, but it seems to me that the money bag totals in stage 8 and 9 have to be wrong.
  • Double shot before stage 9 boss is not shown.
  • The watch in A-1 is mislabeled as a dagger.
  • The 1-up in A-1 is not shown

    *Note from The Warp Zone: In some areas they show you using spirit helpers in areas which you would normally not do so in. I.E. Alucard in the clock tower. Also in the one Nintendo Power magazine, it suggests that you can destroy the energy balls with 50-200 (can't remember which) hits of the whip. I tried it and it doesn't work.