Mist covered the battlefield as the two sides approached. The ongoing dispute over the Unforgiven territory would come to a very bloody end. But which side will claim the planet of Galactica Prime? As the two war-hardened Farseers with their millennia of battle knowledge briefed their troops, they could almost taste the blood that was about to be shed. The argument over this craftworld had been going on for some time, with idle threats from both sides. But this was the deciding battle.
The Unforgiven are named after the destruction of the Saim-Hann Exodite world Ariennal which killed thousands of innocent civilian Eldar. But, due to the ongoing grudge between the Unforgiven and the Saim-Hann, many more thousands will die today.
For the Saim-Hann, this is just another planet. For the Unforgiven, this is home and they will protect it at all costs.
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