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I'm not terribly certain of what the format for this is going to end up like.. new
pictures are going to be added up top, and eventually the lowest ones will be
relegated to one of the sub-pages.. or something like that.


Olde Stuffe

My Vehicles

Varied Art



Get thee on my tailgate, Satan!

Spike, doing two of his three most common things. Sleeping, and standing in the window staring at shit. I still haven't got a picture of him killing, but that'll happen eventually. Clearly, I take many pictures of Spike. This may be because I actually like my cat, or that there is simply not many other things in my room worth taking pictures of, and I very rarely leave my room.
Ah, to be Canadian. We just love peace, and we'll sure break some laws to let you know that. Also, we seem to have a lot of rice.
Rice, rice baby!
A lot of neighbor's dogs are going to be rolled over. They're great for a snack, and fit on your back, it's log, log, log!
One of the advantages of my job is I get to see a lot of things that I'd maim people for.
Something I've discovered is I take a lot of pictures that end up as a wallpaper for two or three days. But I suppose they're more interesting than celeb fakes. Also easier to color match to desktops. 
My outer environment... For non-Canadians, yes indeed, all of our streets look like this. Every single one.
My inner environment has much less greenery, but that's okay. Post-New Year's cleanup, it's significantly more livable than it was before. These pics are both about a half meg each (so that you can look really close at all my crap), so a warning to all you odd 56ker's out there.
We also see the demon possessing Spike revealing it's presence.
Like I said.. rice. I'm trying to figure getting decent flashless night pictures, and a GT-S was a decent target for a couple of quick shots. This blurry bit was actually the best... it's hard to get the frame speed up over 1/10th of a second in the dark.
I accidentally discovered an eight second open shutter. And my inability to drive a straight line while holding a camera on top of a steering wheel.

