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My current cat, Spike, as a kitten. He's attacked those curtains pretty much daily for the last four years. About as good a cat as I ever had. Got him from IRC people, oddly enough. 
Our dog, Lucky. And Lucky and a previous cat Warrior at the lake. For some reason, someone thought it was a good idea to bring a housecat to the lake for a summer. When he came back, he was basically feral and went to live in the park.

Pictures of the lake.. a waterfall on the other side, a sunset and early morning fog taken from the breakwater, a shot looking down at the landing and Little Goose from a bluff. You can see the sailboat out front, to give you an idea just how high up we are.
Labor Day long weekend, 95. Someone decided there was some sort of era going on, and wanted a picture of all the kids. Me and Lisa, the Hartleys, the Leslies. Tom Leslie is next to me.. he died only a couple of years later in a car accident.
Sisterly Lisa.. she's gotta be probably only 15 or 16 in this picture. I don't seem to keep new pictures of my family for some reason.
My youngest sister, Crystal, when she was maybe 15.
Crystal again, and TJ. They're probably about 13 and 12 in this... TJ is still pretty strange.
Christmas, 95. Yes, my dad is the kind of guy who gets a balaclava for Christmas, and wears it.
This was the default Hatch` picture that I let circulate around IRC for several years, because people on IRC are tend to be picture whores the last ten years, and need to know what someone looks like in order to talk to them. 
I haven't changed much. Still look bored and vaguely lost. Less hair. The wall behind me is quite different, though. 
Me back in... 98ish. Still with my late-high school long bangs, though they're not dyed anymore.
Old habits, ones that die hard. You just can't leave me alone sometimes.
Okay.. Sometimes I've done it when there's people around. Remnants of an IRC beach party. But then, there was fire around, too.