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Page for looking at the sky. 

Some of these pictures are quite large.. most retain their full 2304 pix width, though are still between 180kb and 300kb.


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It's funny how you can only take pictures of this place from one angle. Walk to the other side, and the pictures always come out completely black. Stupid lake.
Mountainy mountainy BC... the highway somewhere mid-Abbotsford.
Sun sun sun. January 2006 we had 29 days of rain, plus some more in the start of February. We finally got some sun this week. Wee.
Langley! Refer to big mountain in Abbotsford pic. You can see it from anywhere high in 90% of this city.
More of teh mountain, all misty with.. mist.
There's something about bridges, though it lacks a conglomerate sprawled settlement, and a general ruined by an earthquake feel to it, it's still a nice bridge.
Clouds and big metal towers. I'm always amused by simple things, especially if they shine.