Webmasters: you have the option of linking to Callista's Middle Eastern Belly Dance! All you have to do is copy one of the below codes to your website! Also, if you'd like to be recognised for this, just e-mail me telling me you've linked to me and give me a link to your website so I can post it on my links page. For a text-link like this, copy the code below: Or, you can you a picture link using this code (see below for pictures!): ***Make sure you insert the file name of the picture where it says **image name** (i.e. imagename.bmp, imagename.jpg, etc.)! Also be sure to left-click these images and save them to your harddrive. Don't steal bandwidth, it's illeagle. There are several categories for you to choose from... Box images
Buttons If you would like me to add your site to my page, e-mail me when you have put up my site's link and I'll add you to my website! ;) If you have a particular color that you would prefer for your image, e-mail me and I will gladly design one of my images for you to use on your website! ;)
Callista's Middle Eastern Dance is best viewed with Windows 95, Internet Explorer 4.0, and Netscape 4.04 or higher.