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Callista's Middle Eastern Dance award is for websites that are related to Middle Eastern dance.

On-line belly dance supplies, music, etc. stores are allowed to apply for the award if they have some other bellydance-related material in them that is not commercial.

Websites with pornography or profanity will not be applicable. I review websites and decide if they are able to recieve an award, and I do not enjoy looking through seemingly innocent websites to find horrible language, content, and/or pictures.

*You can apply for more than one award. I will almost always have more than one award format for you can choose from.

*You must be able to reveive attachments if you are going to apply for an award!!!



All you need to do it E-mail me! me with the following information:

  • Your name or the name you want on the award
  • Your e-mail address (meaning the one I should send the award to)
  • Your site's name
  • Your site's URL (web address)
  • Which award you want (black or white)
  • A short description of your website's content

and then I'll send you an e-mail with the award in an attachment.



I only have one award as of late, but more are on the way! If you have a different background color (other than white or black), e-mail me and tell me what the color is and perhaps I can accomodate you with a custom award.

Thanks for applying!


Callista's Middle Eastern Dance is best viewed with Windows 95, Internet Explorer 4.0, and Netscape 4.04 or higher.


Get an award for your website by Callista's Middle Eastern Belly Dance today!


This page was created and is monotored by Callista Sarab
If you have any questions, comments, notices, etc., please feel free to E-mail me! them to me.
Last Updated: 1/1/2002

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