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Marlene Wallace

Marlene is the young daughter of the rebel leader, Barret Wallace.  Although she is too young to help her father fight for the planet, she assists however she can.  Normally she minds Tifa's Bar when Tifa Lockheart is away helping Avalanche.

Marlene is saved by Aeris Gainsborough when the Shin-Ra destroy Sector 7 of Midgar... but the Shin-Ra track them both down.  They make a simple bargain, Aeris must give herself up in exchange for Marlene's safety.

Avalanche immediately leave to help Aeris, leaving Marlene in the safe hands of Aeris' step mother.

Job: Assistant to Tifa Lockheart at Tifa's Bar
Age: Unknown
Weapon: None
Height: Uknown
Birthdate: Uknown
Birthplace: Corel village
Blood type: Unknown


Final Fantasy Forever