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Duo Maxwell

Organization / Gundam Pilot
Age / 15, 16 in "Endless Waltz"
Ethic Origin / Caucasian American
Birthplace / L2 Colony Cluster
Eye Color /Colbalt Blue
Hair Color / Dark Brown
Height / 156cm
Weight / 43kg
Quote/"Hey, listen Deathscythe. Don't give up too easy..." - Dou Maxwell
Mobile Suit / Deathscythe - Deathscythe Hell - Deathscythe Hell Custom
Info /Duo Maxwell, the pilot of the Gundam Deathscythe, and later the Gundam Deathscythe Hell, is about as jolly and cheerful as any Gundam pilots will get. During Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, he befriends Heero Yuy through sheer persistance. Despite his good nature, though, he earns his "God of Death" nickname when he takes on the Alliance and battles OZ. Before getting involved with the Gundam attacks and OZ, Duo Maxwell was part of an ongoing space salvage program known as the Sweeper Group. On earth Duo is assisted by his seafaring kinsfolk, who help repair his Gundam when it is damaged. Duo is distinguished by his black wardrobe, his yard-long braided ponytail, and his minister looking collar.

More Info:
The quote above was said by Duo when he laid his eyes on the public execution of his beloved machine Deathscythe while fleeing from the OZ. Moveover, the irony was that the one destroying it was Trowa, riding in a Taurus. This was the only time the usually bright and optimistic Duo was at the depths of despair.
Duo is the pilot of Gundam Deathscythe. While wandering around the colonies in a carefree style, Duo was trained as a professional in the arts of destruction. He is an easy-going persn who has a bright personality and quickly befriends anyone. However, in the cockpit he becomes the God of Death that brandishes a beam scythe without hesitation.