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Zechs Merquise
Relena Peacecraft


Quatre Raberba Winner

Organization / Gundam Pilot
Age / 15, 16 in "Endless Waltz"
Ethic Origin / Arabian
Birthplace / L4 Colony Cluster
Eye Color / Blue
Hair Color / Light Golden Blond
Height / 156cm
Weight / 41kg
Quote/"War brings sorrow...but we must fight to keep our loved ones from sorrow." -Quatre Winner
Mobile Suit /Sandrock - Sandrock Custom
Info /The friendly, empathetic pilot of the Gundam Sandrock is unusually tender-hearted for a Gundam pilot. He is the only son of a wealthy family of space colony builders. He has a stern pacifist father who highly disproves of him going into combat. Although Quatre himself can not stand blood, he feels compelled to fight to protect his family and to help establish peace. Quatre doesn't have the ruthlessness of his fellow Gundam pilots, but he does contribute with many family connections, almost unlimited cash,and his very own arms of 40 mobile suits and soldiers. His friendlyness eventually wins over Trowa Barton's friendship, and later he becomes an unestablished leader of the Gundam pilots.

More Info:
The pilot of the gundam Sandrock. Scion of the wealthy middle eastern Winner family, Quatre was raised in freedom without any restraints. He was a kindhearted boy who loved the arts, but at the same time, was psychologically fragile. However, he gradually allowed himself to nurture the ability to command as a leader during battle.