GW Dictionary
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GW Pictures
Zechs Merquise
Relena Peacecraft
Chang Wufei
Organization / Gundam Pilot
Age / 15, 16 in "Endless Waltz"
Ethic Origin / Chinese
Birthplace / L5 Colony Cluster
Eye Color / Black
Hair Color / Black
Height / 156cm
Weight / 46kg
Quote/"It's up to me... I'll decide what integrity is!." - Chang Wufei
Mobile Suit /Shenlong - Altron Gundam
Info /The stern pilot of the Shenlong Gundam is the proud offspring of a legendary warrior clan, who were exiled from China to a decrepit space colony by a fearful government. Wufei adheres to a strict code of honor and justice, seeking to protect the weak and punish the guilty. But his pride is something of a weak point - when pushed too far, Wufei's huge ego has a tendency to break.
Unlike the other Gundam pilots, even the relatively antisocial Heero and Trowa, Wufei prefers to operate alone and frequently seems to have a better idea what's going on than his blundering fellows. His only companion is his Gundam, which he calls "Nataku" after the Chinese mythological hero.
More Info:
Wufei used to hold the individualistic fighting ideal that "might is right," but his self-confidence in fighting disappeared when he was routed by Treize. However, while in contract with Sally Po's band, which fantically resisted the gigantic organization called OZ by engaging in guerilla warfare, Wufei had a change of heart. Sally also discovered a new hope in this fight. Wufei us a member of the Chang clan that has an unbroken lineage in the ancient warrior ways. He was trained not only in Chinese martial arts but also in weaponary in general. This boy has impressive long-slitted eyes with which he can look into anyone's heart. He loves to be alone, and hates group activities. But he learns to fight together with the other Gundam pilots with whom he shares the same aspirations.