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GW Dictionary
Story Synopsis
Link To Me
GW Pictures

Character Profiles

Zechs Merquise
Relena Peacecraft


December 27, 2000

     Hope fully will be getting some new affiliates soon - and added a new topsite - I got a lot of gundam wing stuff for x-mas! Like a gw watch, 5 gundam models, 2 keychains, 3 posters, and 2 gw shirts - hope you all had a great x-mas too!

December 24, 2000

     Made a splash page today and added an affiliate and joined 2 top sites! I also fixed a few things around the page.

December 18, 2000

     I have added a button section with buttons for my site, they came out pretty good! I also have the GW picture page up and it has lots of great pics and more sections of pics to come soon! Oh and I forgot to tell you all my e-mail address! It's incase you wanna e-mail me!

December 12, 2000

     I have added Wufei's profile and am now accepting affiliates for this page.

December 3, 2000

     I have remodeled the four Gundam Profiles that I have completed, I will use the new layout for the rest of them too. And I added a storyline of the Gundam Wing TV series and added a GW dictionary of all the different things in GW too! :)

November 28, 2000

     I have completed a character profile of Heero Yuy , Duo Maxwell & Trowa Barton and have an outline of profiles soon to come.

November 27, 2000

     I am working on Gundam Pilot and Gundam profiles. I should get them up within a week.

November 24, 2000

     Well this is my first day working on my Gundam Wing site so theres not much on it!

Thanx For Visiting My Site! Come Back Soon!

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