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Check out details on the first PREY Mini-Convention that was held in 2000.

Agamemcon III - June 11 - 13th, 1999
Burbank, California

Reporting: Carol Hallenbeck aka PreymateCarol

Day 1 - The Preymates were ready, unlocked at the mouth, and ready to shoot our Prey load to one and all that came by. Preymates attending today were Carol (me),  Diane G, Diane S, Lee Ann (Rueben), Michelle, and Judy A dropped by briefly.

Being a Friday and a workday, this was not a very busy day. Saturday should be heavy, we hope, and Sunday, too, since Bruce Boxleitner is supposed to be there. And the most exciting news is that James Morrison may just pop in on Saturday or Sunday, according to Kate Duncan, once again sitting at the SAAB table next to us. Now I'm not a humongous James fan, but I am a fan and know a looker when I  see one. (Glad he can act too!) Therefore, if he gets anywhere near me and looks in my general direction (that would cover a 1/4 mile radius) with those blue eyes, I just may slide under Celine's Prey table skirt, one finger on the camera button. Will  position myself as close to Kate Duncan as possible, camera at the ready. I suppose that I'll have to shove a few Preymates aside in order to get a good shot. I think I'm up to the task.

I guess the most common refrain that we heard today was, "I never heard of it. When was it on?" Sound familiar? We did meet a few fans but not very many. I  think we may have some converts lined up though. Three women stopped by from Alhambra and seemed REALLY interested, watched several minutes of Ep1, and got to see Adam chasing Sloan through the corridor, then nearly strangling her at the end. I'm making a copy of Eps 1 & 2 for them tonight and......Oh, darn darn darn! My VCR is at the con! Rats. Oh! But she can have my spare copy of Eps 1 & 2. and I'll make myself another copy later. sheesh. Another sci-fi fan seemed like  he might be interested in tapes also and took a Prey business card. He'll be back tomorrow. 

I must say that our table looked really terrific. Celine's Prey table skirt is outstanding, as are the refrigerator magnets, Prey pins, and laminated Prey pix and posters. We had Prey pens too, bumper stickers, stickers for wearing on our shirts, fanfic and the board poetry, and 2 types of Prey business cards. Oh, and plenty of Hershey's kisses, which were extremely popular, and Oreos...of course. Lee Ann was wearing a new Prey shirt, Tom in Ep3 in front of the tree with Mom. Boy, is Maggie going to have numerous orders for that. Ours are beginning to fade from use and washing. They were adorned with stickers today...Welcome to My World.

A dealer whom I had contacted about getting us Prey pix came through for us. She  had colored 8x10s, nothing new but glorious anyway, especially at that size. The best one was of Tom with his arm around Sloan. Lee Ann brought a catalogue to the con called The Movie Market, I think. It contained tons of pix, 3 of which were Prey pix. We will post the info on how to order them, when I can find that little slip  of paper. They were the same pix that were at the con. Another dealer whom Kate Duncan had contacted about Prey did not have time to get pix this time but says  he will have them at Fantasticon. 

I have the feeling that I am leaving more out, but I guess I'm too tired to remember anymore. Hopefully, someone will fill me in tomorrow or post to the board themselves with more info. Unfortunately, Diane G isn't here at the moment to jog my memory.   Well, tomorrow should be a busy day and hopefully a BIG one,  James Morrison big. :-)

Day 2 - Two more Preymates arrived at the con today, Judy A and Dot. Two of the luckiest Preymates to roam L.A., cuz this is the day that we all met James. Diane G, Michelle, and I were watching an Area 51 visual effects presentation (given by Glenn Campbell, who did visual effects for SAAB). We stayed for the next presentation about scifi make-up but Michelle returned to the Prey table. Dot then arrived and joined us. 

In the middle of the presentation (yawn and double yawn--why didn't we leave earlier), Michelle came in looking for us. We had given her strict instructions that if anyone from Prey had arrived, she was to come in and get us immediately. Thank god, Michelle recognized Diane G's long curly hair. We bolted from the seats and practically ran up the aisle to the Prey table, which was next to the SAAB table. Standing there in all his glory was Lewis. They said he was James but we knew better. 

Since he stood there a long time speaking with someone at the SAAB table, we just stood there and ogled him. He was facing sideways, away from us, so he  didn't see the Prey table or those of us already taking pictures of him. Some of us  moved behind the Prey table to get a better angle. And let me say that all angles  looked pretty good. Eventually, Kate Duncan steered him in our direction, which  was only a few inches away. He walked over and shook hands with all of us.  Believe me, when James looks you in the eye, you know you've been looked at.  And he looked at us DIRECTLY numerous times. Luckily, no one hit the floor in his  presence.

He then said that he didn't know that we were going to be at the con and looked at the stuff on the Prey table and the pix on the windows also. We pointed out the magnets that had Lewis on them, and he smiled. The VCR was playing the Ep. 7 scene in which Lewis kneels down in front of Sloan and places his fingers on her mouth. He saw the scene and said that he had improvised that. He mentioned that Debra was very sweet. He also said that Lewis was a good character and hoped that Lewis would be back in future episodes. We agreed with him! 

He stayed at the table a while, chatting with us. He asked if anyone else from Prey had come. We told him that we had invited Debra and Adam, and he asked if we had invited Larry. (Duh, no, we hadn't.) He said that he thought Larry Drake would have come. Okay, so Larry gets an invite next convention. Diane G asked him to sign the guest book, and he obliged. He later signed the first page of our copy of Welcome to the World of Prey Poetry.

Convention report continues... Click here!