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Update - #101

Please continue mailing mainly postcards, and letters if you prefer, to Debra until April 14. As you can see, Jeanne has updated the information at the top of the board to help the many newbies, giving them direction on the latest campaign, and reminding the rest of us the work ahead of us. The addresses to mail Debra are also there for easy reference.

Please continue to send me your tally numbers and I will post those totals as often as I can. As of March 24, we had 75 letters and postcards in the mail to Debra. Since that time there have been 50 more postcards mailed out. WE NEED TO DO SO MUCH MORE THAN THIS FOLKS!

We have to flood Debra with mail and I know we are all tight on our budgets because of the economy, but 125 pieces of mail aren't really going to get much notice. Please do as much as you can and ask as many people as you can to help. If you haven't emailed me at with your tally numbers, please do so as soon as you can

The gift basket will definitely get her attention, but we need to make sure that by the time we send the basket that she's gotten lots of mail so please do all you can to build up those numbers. I know we can do this because our group is the best!

Lee Ann and Barb