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Update - #100

It's your friendly neighborhood pest yet again.

Hi everybody, my name is Lee Ann aka Rueben and I'm a Preyaholic. I've been an addict since 1998 and can't seem to get any better. Now all of you say, "Hello, Lee Ann. Welcome to the PreyGround. This place won't fix your addictions, but sure will keep you 'high' on all things Tom and more."

Can you guys tell I've had a strange day at work?

Anyway, just yet another reminder that the Debra mail-in campaign deadline is April 14 and we need to FLOOD, FLOOD, FLOOD her with mail. As of yesterday's tally numbers, we had 75 pieces of mail go to her. Now, I KNOW we can do MUCH better than that. Let's show Debra just what a Prey fan is and how dedicated we all are!!!!!!

I spent a lot of time last night, while watching the extremely LONG Oscar telecast, going over all the wonderful Prey records Barb and I inherited from Mary Ann. I made a LONG list of things I want to keep track of. Now, don't all of you say - "Lee Ann, don't do too much" - because, as Barb could easily attest, I ALWAYS make lists and more lists and more lists. It's just what I do. I thrive on being overly, annoyingly organized. It's one of my more admireable, no, wait, it is annoying, oh well.

Back to being serious: Does anyone, who hasn't already emailed me or the volunteers already, want a copy of Roughing It, the movie Adam was in that just recently aired on the Hallmark Channel? We have 3 volunteers - Jill, Christine and Tina - at the ready to help. And, I just recently learned that our very own Celine, in Canada, has a copy and she has told me she will help out any Canadians who want copies. Please continue to send your orders to me - and I will divide them between the volunteers. Thanks!

Did you guys see the GREAT, AWESOME, LOVELY necklaces that Lori Ann has made for the Toronto Trek convention? Aren't they just super?! Well, the green one is jetting its way to me to be included in Debra's basket and I just know she's going to love it (and I certainly hope she'll love all the other great stuff coming from members). If you would like to contribute a Prey or even a Will & Grace item, related to what Grace likes, please contact me in private. The email addy is above.

If all this isn't keeping me busy enough, I've decided to restart the census - okay everyone groan with me - UGH!!!!! Yeah, yeah, I know. With everything going on, I've got it in my head to add one more thing to the list. Well, yes! A lot of you have already responded, but if you haven't or you're not sure if you did, or you've got an update to give me, please send the following to me at the email addy above:

Your Name Your Posting Name Your Address Your Email Address

Please remember to mark any of the above that you want kept confidentially and I will abide by your wishes completely. Barb and I greatly respect the privacy of each and every member and would never do anything that you do not want done with your personal information. This information is only used in instances such as the recent campaigns (to Sci-Fi and Debra) to ensure that the message gets out to as many preymates as possbile.

I've got quite a number of other "things" (for lack of a better word) that I want to either restart or reinstigate or whatever, but I will probably save those for the weekend. They're on my list so they're not going anywhere.

Have a great evening and write, write, write. Be creative with your postcards and keep mailing. Thanks for all you do and your support. I appreciate it!

Lee Ann and Barb