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Update - #103
May 2002 
I want to thank all of you who participated in Debra's mail-in campaign. I know with real life stuff and postage costs it may not have been easy to send a lot of mail, but your efforts are very much appreciated!  

We can - and will - make a difference for Prey!  

I also wanted to remind you of the new direction we are taking since the Debra mail-in campaign is over. Here is your new mission, should you accept it:  

Write a brief paragraph - 3 to 4 sentences - stating what it is about Prey that you love. Write this paragraph as if you are the reporter assigned to submit a short review about a new show for a TV magazine.  

Now, I know we all have a specific character that we all LOVE. We will probably want to gush over the person's looks, et al - BUT - that is not the objective of this "writing challenge." The plan is to use these reviews to show why you tuned into the show not for a particular actor. The quotes you make could eventually be used in upcoming mail-in campaigns and press releases. It would be great to see the thoughts of everyone from all over the globe in writing in one general location. It could even work out to be a separate link that people can go to on the message board and the campaign site. The link could be "What people have to say about Prey" and showcase the thoughts of the worldwide audience.  

Please work on your "writing challenge" until May 13 and submit them to me by private email ONLY. Please notify me if you permit your name and hometown to be announced on the message board or the planned-upon link, otherwise your quote will remain anonymous.  

Mary Ann, our former campaign chairperson, graciously consented to having her review be the sample from which we can all base our paragraphs on, but please use your own words and be creative:  

"I don't know where to begin. I've never been absorbed, enchanted, mezmerized, intrigued or obsessed by a TV series as much as I was by Prey when it first aired in 1998. I think what it boils down to is that Prey gave me a sort of existential jolt. I had never really considered the implications of human evolution before. The idea that another species of humanity could come along and replace us awakened my sense of the mystery of existence, and the miracle that anything exists at all."  

Mary Ann Beavis  
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada 

Thanks, Mary Ann! And, remember we will return to mail-in campaigns next month. They are being planned as we, type.  

Lastly, I wanted to provide these words of wisdom from Gina Evers, our first campaign coordinator. I thought what she said would move us forward and keep the passion alive! What do you think?  

Here goes:  

"We will go around you, over you, or through you. There isn't a thing in the world you can do to stop or dissuade us. We know we are going against the odds, but we have the passion, the faith, and the courage to do it. You can attack us or ridicule us, but the one thing you won't be able to do is stop us. We will keep trying...sit back and watch what real passion looks like."  

Prey for one, Prey for all, Prey forever! 
Lee Ann