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Update - #104
Sunday, May 12, 2002 

Mail-In Campaign Update

I've got quite a number of things I want to post about. Yes, I made a long list, again, but I won't bore all of you with that right now. However, I did want to fill you in on the next mail-in campaign. I've asked a few members to help create new postcards for this mail-in and am now opening this up to anyone who'd like to join in on the creation process. If you come up with something, please email me at {} and hook up with Jeanne, our MB webmistress, at {} to get them on the postcard link at the top of this page. 

Here's what I'd like us to do: Please send letters, postcards, faxes and/or emails to Entertainment Weekly, The Hollywood Reporter and Daily Variety about the worldwide desire to see Prey return to the air. Let's only mention that we'd love to see a two-hour TV movie air on any network willing to give Prey the second chance it deserves. I ask this only to give Bill Schmidt an opportunity to get his script read and accepted by a network and not have our efforts hurt this possibility in any way, shape or form. Tell them how long our group has been supporting the show, how it's become an international movement, what we've done as a group since 1998, all the press coverage we've received, the conventions we've attended and so forth. You can learn more about this by checking out the links at our campaign site - {}. Be positive, polite and above all passionate. 

Here are the addresses you'll need: 

The Hollywood Reporter 
5055 Wilshire Boulevard 
Los Angeles, CA 90036-4396 

Editorial Fax Number: (323) 525-2377 

To contact an editor or reporter click here:
Hollywood Reporter

Daily Variety 
5700 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 120 
Los Angeles, CA 90036 


Daily Variety 
245 West 17th Street 
New York, NY 10011 


Daily Variety 
84 Theobalds Road 
London WC1X 8RR 
United Kingdom 

Editorial/News Fax Number in LA: (323) 857-0494 
Editorial Fax Number in NY: (212) 337-6977 
Editorial Fax Number in London: 44 20 7520 5219 
Main Fax Number in Washington DC: (202) 463-3744 
Main Fax Number in Australia: 61 (2) 9422-8635 
Main Fax Number in Paris: 33 (0) 1 41-90-46-79 
Main Fax Number in Rome: 39 (06) 39-36-64-13 
Main Fax Number in Spain, Portugal, Latin America: 34 (91) 383-8671 

For editorial information and press releases, email:
For general information and comments, email:

Entertainment Weekly News Desk 
11766 Wilshire Boulevard 
Los Angeles, CA 90025 


Entertainment Weekly 
Letters to the Editor 
1675 Broadway 
New York, NY 10019 

Unfortunately, I couldn't track down a fax number for them, but if any of you can find one, please don't hesitate to let me know. 

Email letters to:

This campaign is going to run from May 17 until June 30. Do what you can, when you can, within your own personal budgets. Please let me know via email at {} what you send, fax or email so we have a tally of the numbers. 

Remember we can make a difference! Just look at what we've done for over 4 years now. 

Prey For One, Prey For All, Prey For Ever. Thanks! 

Lee Ann