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Update - #108
July 12, 2002

Welcome Back From Toronto Trek, Preymates!

Fifth Anniversary of Prey For Us Campaign  

In one of her posts, our loveable Peeps mentioned that we will celebrate our fifth anniversary as a group next year. I hadn't even thought about that clearly until I read her post and then it hit me....oh my gosh!! we have been at this for nearly 5 - FIVE! - years now. What a milestone for us and Prey!!!! And, while we are still striving to see Prey get a future on the air, why not celebrate our group in grand style or at least as close to grand style as we can all afford. 

What I am proposing is to have a weekend celebration (some time next year of course) for the worldwide fans here in California (if all of you don't mind that location)....a reunion so to speak....or even a gathering (if I may borrow the slogan from the Roswell fan group of whom I am also a member). While I cannot guarantee we'd have the events to attend like at a sci-fi convention or even any of the cast or crew to meet as in the past (for some of us at least), wouldn't it be great to have just a weekend to celebrate us! 

Please give me your thoughts on this. I know many of you will probably want to go to Toronto Trek again next year or even the World Con since it will be held in Canada next year, but give this some serious thought and let me know what you think. You can either post your thoughts here on the MB or you can private email me either the cochairs email or my yahoo account.

We could plan a trip to Vasquez Rocks to visit "Oaxaca", take a tour of Warner Brothers, perhaps talk Carol and Diane G. into given us a tour of UCLA, spend a day in Malibu at the beach and get some great meals at Gladstones or Dukes (two awesome restaurants along the ocean) and even have a day at Universal or Knotts Berry Farm or half a dozen other great attractions. There is also a great Sportsmens Lodge on Ventura Boulevard in Studio City where we could hold a great big party to top of the weekend. Now, I know this will take a lot of planning for all of us and to a great extent, it may not be feasible for everyone, but please give it some thought. No matter how long you've been with the group - since the beginning, joining in the middle or a newbie - I'd love to see as many of us get together to celebrate five wonderful years of Preymates.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: I thought about some other things on my drive home last night after posting my thoughts on the message board. If we timed our little celebration correctly, and if Will & Grace is renewed for the 2003-2004 season, we could all try to go as a group to view a taping, wearing our Prey shirts and making an enormous impression on the actors (Debra in particular, of course) and everyone else who would be there. There is also the option of taking a tour of NBC Studios, hitting the dueling piano bar at Universal's City Walk, taking a train ride up to Santa Barbara for a day or even having a group go to Disney together. There are so many different options to consider. 

Think about this and get back to me, ok? 

Prey For One, Prey For All, Prey For Ever,

Lee Ann