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Update - #107
Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Look what I just found at the site!!!!!!!

They are doing the "20 Series We'd Love to See on DVD, Part 3" (By Brian Ford Sullivan) 

AND, look who gets on their list!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!! I nearly jumped out of my seat, okay, I actually did, but let's all email the and thank them profusely for including our favorite show!!!!!!! 

Here's what was written: 

11. "Prey" (ABC, 1998, 13 episodes) 

What was it about? 
Debra Messing ("Will & Grace") played the lead in this series about a group of scientists fighting the next evolution of man. 

What made it so special? 
Again to beat a dead horse about many shows on this list, it took an otherwise out there premise and made it very compelling. Plus sweet mother of God, was this show creepy as hell. We also enjoyed Adam Storke's "Tom Daniels" - a man caught between the two waring factions of man. 

Any added value to those who've seen all the episodes? 
All 13 episodes have aired and Sci Fi Channel used to air them every so often.

I'm so excited to see some other site talk about us, especially one like (where a LOT of people visit)!!!! 

Click here to go the original page.

New Mail-In Campaign Update, etc. 

Friday, 28 June 2002

Dear Preymates, 

Starting on Monday, July 8 (giving everyone a break for the 4th of July holiday) we will again embark on a mail-in campaign to the Sci-Fi Channel (SFC). Given the fact the SFC will start airing Prey on July 12 it is only fitting we thank them for airing the episodes. It is also only fitting that we ask them to give Prey a better time slot. In addition, we are finally going to start asking them about a Prey movie. The SFC announced not that long ago they want to do more movies – 24 a year in fact, and the way I see it, Prey is as good a place to start as any especially since there is an existing script prime for consideration. 

I have not received any word on Bill’s efforts to “ship” the movie script around to any networks; however, the information was announced to the public and if we, as fans, cannot do our part to help get the script added attention, then who can? In addition, we will also write Warner Brothers (WB) again since they still own the show. We don’t want the WB to think we are backing off or have lost interest, now do we? 

Here are the addresses you will need (please note that I have updated the WB address): 

Peter Roth, President 
Warner Brothers Television 
4000 Warner Boulevard, Building 140 
Burbank, CA 91522 
Fax: (818) 954-7406 

Bonnie Hammer, President 
Sci-Fi Channel 
1230 Avenue of the Americas 
New York, NY 10020 

This mail-in campaign can include flyers, posters, postcards, letters, email and faxes. You decide what combination to send, and please remember the new postage stamp (for the States) will now be 37 cents, staring on Monday, July 1. 

Please visit the Prey Posters and Postcards for great downloads or to get an idea of what to say in your messages. This campaign will run from July 8 to August 30. Please contact me at my yahoo or angelfire email accounts with the amount of what you send out, as I will be keeping a tally of all. (You will have received this update via my yahoo account IF I have your private email on record). 

If you get a chance, please write Debra at one of the following addresses, as we don’t want her to think we’ve forgotten about her either. 

Debra Messing 
c/o Gersh Agency 
232 N. Canon Drive 
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 


Debra Messing 
c/o KoMut Entertainment 
4024 Radford Avenue Bungalow 7 
Studio City, CA 91604 

Best wishes to the folks who will be heading off to Toronto this coming week for the Toronto Trek. I, for one, envy you guys, as you’re going to have so much fun. Enjoy the Mystery that you’ll get to solve and don’t eat too much candy at that great candy store. 

Lee Ann