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Update - #51
October 19, 1998

Hi all- if you are reading this from the message board or email, be sure to check out the site today. You can access the site at Featured today is a picture of our very own Preyfan Lee Ann ( Rueben on the board) with Debra Messing at the recent VQT convention. If you haven't read Lee Ann's great story about the meeting, please check out update #48 at the site. Thanks for sharing Lee Ann!

1. The University of Tennessee is conducting an online survey measuring the impact of the Internet on television viewing. At the end of the survey is a place to put comments and the names of any shows not listed. I filled it out the other day and added PREY, of course, as well as some comments about our campaign. I don't know if the results will help PREY in any way, but since the survey only takes about 10 minutes to fill out, I went ahead and did so. Maybe if enough of us share about PREY, that info will get some publicity. Anyway, if you would like to participate the URL is

2. There was an interesting article in the October 19th Newsweek. The article was entitled "TV Turns Vertical". The basic idea is that television is now pretty much dominated by a small group of extremely powerful mega-corporations that have the resources and power to do most everything by themselves ( eg they can produce, create, market etc in-house). The term is "vertical integration" and some industry people see it as a death knell for creativity and risk taking. Of course the companies see it as beneficial as it keeps more money in the family, so to speak. Essentially, studios are being encouraged to produce for their own networks and networks are working to keep production in house. When NBC had to pay $13 million an episode to WB for their hit show ER, it must have really galvanized the voices of consolidation. The current 3 "giants" named by Newsweek include Disney which owns ABC; Time Warner which owns the WB network, TNT, TBS, HBO/Cinemax; and Viacom which owns UPN, Nickelodeon and MTV. NBC and CBS are not in that group. Interesting reading and I am sure there is great debate in LA and Hollywood over the issue.

3. Sharon L. has come through again. As you might remember, Carol suggested creating weekly reminders that tie in with the announced return of the fictitious Kewley's comet from the first season of PREY. Sharon visited the Smithsonian and sent a treasure trove of comet items for me to consider. I decided on a spherical representation of a comet and a beautiful comet bookmark. In her typical super efficient style, Sharon has already addressed, stamped and assembled the mailing envelopes which I received today with the items. Thanks so much Sharon. You are wonderful! Those items will go out in the next 2 weeks. Since you can't find pieces of comets on Earth, I thought about sending pieces of meteorites for the third week. I have found some sources online and am negotiating now to try and get some at a reasonable price. If I can obtain enough specimens, they will go out as the third weekly reminder tied around comets. I will be doing some research and tie together the 3 weeks with comet history, lore and info. The basic tie in to PREY will center around returning, portents of greatness, and the uniqueness of PREY ( like the uniqueness of meteorites, rarely found and always fascinating).

4. I appreciate those of you who have emailed me with support for our weekly reminders. I think they are important and help keep the uniqueness that is PREY on the desk of network executives each and every week. When other shows have been forgotten, PREY comes to mind everytime they open a package. If you would like to support our weekly reminders, my address is 3839 SE 45th Place, Ocala, FL 34480.Thank you for your continuing support. If you would like to see a listing of our past weekly reminders please click here.

5. Below you will find the promised picture of Lee Ann and Ms. Messing. The caption is from Lee Ann. Thanks again for sharing!

Debra Messing and Lee Ann (Rueben)

Photograph by Gerry Ashley

Used by permission of Gerry Ashley ( thanks :-) )


"I was far from being tired that day, just taken by surprise when the flash went off. I didn't have enough time to react, but doesn't Debra look great?! Hope you all enjoy; I sure did!"

Lee Ann (Rueben!)

In closing, I thought the following quote speaks to Preyfans everywhere. Enjoy!

"It is only by risking our persons from one hour to another that we live at all. And often enough our faith beforehand in an uncertified result is the only thing that makes the result come true."

William James (1842-1910)

