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Update - #54
October 29, 1998

Hi all - short update today, but some important items. As always, if you are reading this from the message board or an email, please check out our campaign site for point and click links and all the graphics. Our site URL

1. We are very close in pledges for the ad. Right now I have $725 pledged. That puts us about $100 short of the total amount needed (approximately $800 for the ad and $20.00 for overnight express of the ad copy to both LA and NY). I don't want to say no when we are so close. There will probably never be a better time to run an ad. PREY is still not that long off the lineup, the sweeps are starting, shows are already failing, and network people have gotten continuous weekly reminders from us for the last 3 months. The reminders for November are a bit different and rare, just like PREY. My hope is that together they could present a clear picture of the continuing support that PREY has.

I can't provide anything near a guarantee. I can only try to find and use every opportunity for PREY. As I have said often in the past, I will continue working until I am sure I have done everything I could. That is an individual decision that everyone needs to make for themselves. Please know that I respect all the love and efforts that you all have put into PREY. Don't follow me unless I am going where you want to go, follow your own heart. That will always be the truest compass you could wish for.

I will hold off making a final decision until next Monday on the ad. That will still give us the time needed to do it. Let me know if you would like to contribute to this. Thanks.

2. As most of you know, a wonderful group of Preyfans will be representing PREY at the Primedia conference in Toronto on November 6th-8th. We all wish you well and will be waiting for news so we can at least enjoy all the fun vicariously :-) If you would like to get some info on the convention, check out the web site at

3. Thanks to everyone who has emailed me with info about upcoming events or articles that have pertinent info. I really appreciate it. Things can get hectic and time is always a factor. Having lots of eyes and ears in cyberspace gives us more power. Thanks again. Email me anytime with info at

4. As some of you may have heard, Warren Littlefield has assumed a new position and is not the entertainment president at NBC now. The new president is Scott Sassa. The Hollywood Reporter mentioned that he is the first person to move into the top position at a network after a career in cable programming. I will be changing my info at the campaign site and would ask everyone to both update your mailing info and to welcome Mr. Sassa in his new position.

5. In the spirit of honesty, I found out that some of the messages posted at Dawson's Creek were removed due to their content, so that lowered the numbers. However, even with that factored in, PREY continues to prove its enduring fan support. Just remember, we are up against currently running hit shows. Number 3 or number 4, it is still darned impressive out of 42 message boards. Thanks guys.

6. Jeanne has started a newslist for people interested in discussing the science behind PREY ( actually one of the main things that drew me to this show to start with). To find out more or join in you can email the group at or check out the site at

7. As you know, this week's reminder is the second in the 3 part series inspired by the fictitious Kewley's comet. In part two we move from the image to the replica. Along with the card below, each executive will get a very nice looking 3D replica of what a comet might look like ( the mailing bag sure looks unusual, but they are probably used to us now :-) ) Of course the finale is special next week. I will let you think about it, ( to keep the surprise) but just let me say that their gift will be one of the rarest items on the planet.

for the image, please see update # 53 I am using the same image for all 3 weeks with a different caption

text inside card:


It must be human nature to be fascinated with that which is rare, unique, or unexplored. Take us to a far away galaxy, the bottom of the ocean, or the depths of the human soul and heart and we are captivated. Our capacity to explore, wonder and seek out new experiences give those in the entertainment industry the broadest of all canvases to use. In a very real sense, the universe is your palette.

Last week you received a bookmark with an image of a comet. Images can be beautiful and we can form powerful connections with them in their many formats. Can't we all recall certain photographs, paintings, and scenes from a show or movie that have remained with us for a lifetime? However, the image simply reminds us of that which it represents. Time for Part 2. Today you will find a replica of a comet enclosed with this note.

Behind the image, the idea that is PREY, are real people, people who brought together their talents and creative vision. Born from a remarkable idea, PREY moved from image to reality. PREY is not an image that faded after an hour, it is something unique and extraordinary. From conventions, to fan fiction, to fan created memorabilia, PREY has become much much more than an idea to the fans captivated by its vision.

PREY has more than images to offer, it has substance and quality, heart and passion. Like the object you have in front of you, PREY is a tangible representation of a most unique creation, William Schmidt's vision of humans exploring what it means to be human. PREY is indeed something very rare....just like the final part of this 3 part series. See you next week!

Gina Evers

Thanks for your continuing support. From PREY fiction to calendars to convention excitement, PREY fans continue to show the heart and passion that are at the core of this marvelous show. In a very real sense, you are PREY right now. PREY is alive because you have kept it alive. In a world where apathy is often the norm, you refuse to sit back passively. Your spirit and faith are inspiring.

