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Update - #56
November 16, 1998

Hi all- I know it has been a trying time for all of us, but just know that I remain committed to doing everything I can to help Mr. Schmidt bring PREY back to the fans that love it. Just a few announcements and ideas. As always, if you are reading this from the message board or as an email, you might want to check out our campaign site for easy one click access to the links mentioned. Our site URL

1. For those of you who have not had a chance to see the results from the Celebrity 1000 favorite television show poll, PREY won by a huge margin. I both emailed and hardcopied this info to Mr. Schmidt. For those of you who have not seen the results, check out the site at

It would be great to mention this in letters that you write. You might also like to print out a copy of the announcement to include in your letters.

2. As many of you know, the WATP message board at Tiffany's site has been having problems and people were unable to post messages for a couple of days. I have not been able to reach Tiffany yet. I am very concerned about the reliability of our message board. The WB message board is nice, but we need a place that is our own that we can control. We simply must have a working message board that is both easy to use and reliable. As some of you know, Jeanne has created a message board as part of a project for one of her college classes. The board is very similar to our old message board and several of you have tried it out. I will be working with Jeanne and message board companies to see what we can do this week. The WATP message board was back up today, but slow. I welcome input from all of you on this matter. Moving to a new board involves losing messages and sending out a new URL ( again), but if the board is not going to provide the reliability we need, we may have to. I will say this, if we move again, it will be the last time and the board will be somewhere we can make sure it works, even if it costs money to do so. I certainly respect the efforts Tiffany has put into her site and her board ( as I am sure we all do), however, I have a primary responsibility to the campaign and its members. If you would like to check out Jeanne's message board the URL is

3. Many members have written to me asking what they should/could be doing now that we are not sending reminders to the network people. Basically, PREY has several ways that it could return- network television, smaller cable channels, syndication, and TV/ feature movies that could then lead into renewed interest in the series. I am not sure what avenue(s) Mr. Schmidt will pursue in the coming months. However, regardless of the avenue(s), the basic support essentials are the same. To the greatest extent possible, we need to keep PREY being talked about. We need to continue to show any potential investors that PREY has a loyal audience and the potential to attract an even larger one. To accomplish that task, I would suggest the following strategies:

  • Continue to post actively on the WB board, our own board, the Sci-Fi board, and any other board that would be logical to discuss PREY on. These continuing conversations show the ongoing enthusiasm for PREY. They also allow us to keep in touch and respond as rapidly as possible to any opportunities for PREY.
  • Convention attendance is a true win-win situation for all involved. Of course the attendees have a ball ( when they are not fending off attacks by marauding Klingons !!), but equally important, we have a chance to network with people in the industry. Who knows what publicity we could get from a chance encounter? Every positive contact we make gives us an advantage as we work to keep PREY alive. I would encourage members to continue to attend and promote PREY whenever possible. Thanks to our great members who just attended the Primedia and Farpoint conventions. Sounds like a whole lot of fun was going on!
  • If you meet other sci-fi fans with campaign sites or promotional materials, ask if they would be willing to spread the word about our campaign ( maybe we can work together to help each other).
  • Continue to vote for PREY and its actors whenever possible in any poll. Each piece of the puzzle can help give Mr. Schmidt more ammunition when he approaches people. Polls represent facts and facts sell shows. If you come across a poll or an opportunity to promote PREY, please pass it on to me and I will announce it and post it at the site so everyone will be able to participate.
  • Jeanne's discussion group is an excellent example of ways to keep the PREY idea fresh and being discussed. It could also allow PREY to branch out and touch more people in different settings. If you know of people who would be interested in joining Jeanne's group, please contact her. Jeanne's email is Perhaps you might have an idea for a different PREY discussion group, let me know and I will be happy to publicize your efforts.
  • Although I think the big 3 networks (NBC, ABC, CBS) are probably not going to look at PREY again, I think the smaller networks and cable channels are still possibilities. I would continue to write to them and share what we are doing with PREY i.e., the conventions, online poll results, discussion groups, etc. This lets them know that PREY still attracts and interests people and continues to do so despite being off the air for several months. Let's face it, not many new shows are burning up the airwaves. In fact, according to the Saturday Orlando Sentinel, VQT has only placed 3 new shows on their endorsed list for this new season, NBC's "Will & Grace", ABC's "Sport's Night", and Lifetime's "Any Day Now". They only have 2 new shows on their list for qualified support ( they gave PREY a qualified support rating back in the spring)- ABC's "Cupid" and WB's "Felicity". This information has not been placed at their site yet, ,so I can't confirm it. PREY's numbers look better and better in comparison to what other new shows are pulling in. Shows pulling lower Neilsen numbers than PREY ever did have already been renewed. PREY is a quality show with vision and heart and it not only held its own during what had to be one of the most disrupted schedulings for a drama, it also continues to attract people. How many other shows can say that?
  • I think another way to accomplish 2 goals at once is to bombard WB with requests for videos, music, and other PREY merchandise. This lets them know that a market exists for the show and related merchandise. Of course, it might also get us the chance to see PREY tapes on the shelf ( another win-win situation).
  • Several online entertainment sites ( TV Gen, Ultimate TV, etc.) are always looking for interesting stories to run in their daily sections. Feel free to submit info such as the results from the Celebrity 1000 poll to them. For a listing of some sites to try, check out page 4 of the campaign site.

I am not sure which direction Mr. Schmidt will go when he markets PREY. I just know that by keeping PREY as an active and loved show in our efforts, we give him the best possible chance to persuade others to take a chance on this exceptional show. If our efforts were to stop, I feel certain that PREY would have no chance. However, if he can point to us and our efforts and love for the show, if people keep hearing about PREY and its fans, it makes a stronger case for investing in the show. Mr. Schmidt loves this show and wants it to succeed. He needs the support and faith of the fans that also love the show. Together with him we are the lifeline for the brilliant idea that is PREY. Only together do we have a chance.

