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PREY Campaign Efforts

Media / Publicity Information
Network Addresses
Sponsor Addresses
Comments from Gina Evers
E-Mail and Phone Contacts
Weekly Prey Reminder Gifts
Top Ten Reasons to Watch Prey


Message Boards

Campaign Updates

News Releases


Fan Sites

Campaign Efforts

Campaign Articles

Celebs Corner


Don't Wait For Your Ship to Come In...Swim Out to Meet It!

The "PREY For Us" campaign has established itself as an organized and effective voice for PREY. Through our combined efforts, the PREY campaign has achieved a level of visibility that, while we always continue to work to improve, is strong and viable. It is our collective efforts that help PREY have a chance at a second season. While no one can guarantee that PREY will be picked up by a network, through our diligent efforts, we have at least given the show a fighting chance.

The television industry lives by publicity and the more positive publicity that we can generate for PREY, the better the chances that the network executives will look at PREY as a show that could be a success for them. That is our job, to help keep PREY in front of TPTB and to continue to showcase the exceptional qualities of PREY, using the media whenever possible to spread our message. If you have not reviewed our campaign guidelines yet, please do so.


1.Keep up to date with our ongoing efforts by reading our message board or joining our e-mail list. Knowing what we are doing allows you to share that info with interested people and speak with authority when you meet media people.

2.Contact your local paper and let them know that you are a part of an international group of concerned viewers who are working for quality programming. When you contact them, have copies of some of our campaign info (examples- the LA Times article, TV Gen article, weekly reminder, etc.) to share with them. You can print these right off this web site. Think about the angles that interest your community and build on that. If you live in a community with a lot of high tech industry, showcase PREY in that light. If you live in a community with new citizens from other countries, tie that in with the basic theme of how different people attempt to find a way to live together in PREY. Bottom line, use what works in your area.

3.Follow up with media that might be interested. Give them a call back in a week or so and ask if they have any questions or if you can help them in any way. Always thank them for their time. Feel free to give them my name and contact info if they would like some additional information.

4.Local television stations, radios, community magazines, Internet bulletin boards, campus newsletters, think about all the ways that people share information in your community and encourage them to consider PREY.

5.Displaying your PREY items at work (mug, mouse pad, desktop pictures, stickers, buttons, bumper sticker, t-shirt, magnets, etc.) is the simplest way to spread the word about PREY.  If you have access to a computer and printer, you can create many different items that can be used to show people how you feel about PREY.

6.Keep informed about what is happening in the industry so that when you speak about PREY or write letters, you have some facts to go on. Several of the sites listed below are industry related and can keep you up-to-date with what is happening.

7.Share your successes and please be sure to send me a copy of any publicity that you get for PREY so I can use that in promotions nationwide and share with the network executives.

Lee Ann and Barb
Official Campaign Coordinators


Viewers for Quality Television is a well-established organization that works to give viewers input into programming. They gave PREY qualified support in the Spring of 1998. NOTE: Viewers for Quality Television no longer exists, as they closed their "doors" back in 2000.

Viewers' Voice is another organization that is working to make the voice of television viewers heard. They have information about PREY at their site and have recognized the efforts of PREY fans everywhere with a special Viewers' Voice award for our campaign efforts. THANKS Viewers' Voice!

Newspapers Online is an extensive listing of newspapers in the United States.

Zap2It provides extensive info on television and has many links to networks
and industry resources.

Hollywood Reporter is an online and print daily that details industry happenings. You can sign up for a daily email update that is concise and helpful.

Variety is the long-standing industry trade paper and the electronic version does a
great job bringing you up to speed with the industry.

TV Guide online is another wonderful source for television news. They are also very
open to input for story ideas and have run stories on our campaign several times.

Citynews will run free ads for one month. Check them out.

TV Times magazine which is distributed weekly in papers across Canada has an office that our Canadian fans might want to contact either by e-mail or regular mail. They also run a weekly column about television news and have written about campaigns in the past. Contact Michele Sponagle (columnist) or Eric Kohanik (editor).  Mailing address: Editorial Office/ 44 Frid Street/ Hamilton, Ontario/ Canada/L8N 3G3