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Update - #59
December 24, 1998

Happy Holiday all- I know that this is a busy time for all of us, but I just wanted to take a moment to share with you some thoughts about our campaign.

It seems hard to believe, but we are coming up to the first anniversary of PREY on January 15th. I was a message board newbie when I first found the PREY board on AOL. Never did I think that from those humble beginnings we would create such an impassioned group, such a strong and determined testament to the creative vision of William Schmidt. Thinking back on how far we have come and how much we have accomplished, I wanted to share with you some of my feelings about our efforts.

For me, and I know for most of us, PREY has touched us deeply. The ideas and feelings sparked by the show have, as we so often share, moved both our hearts and our minds. That in itself would be wonderful and remarkable in the often less than stellar world of network television, but something else quite extraordinary happened also. We found each other. What a joy it has been to get to know so many intelligent, passionate, and just plain fun people. As I reflect back on the months we have shared with each other, so many thoughts and feelings come to mind. From our ever humorous members who keep us laughing with their wonderful "lists" to our intellectually challenging discussions that span topics as diverse as punctuated equilibrium and the nature of viruses, I have found myself both intellectually challenged and almost on the floor laughing ( yes, I do laugh, you just don't see it :-) ). As our intrepid members have fanned out to represent PREY at conventions both in the US and Canada, we have engaged Klingons, met PREY production people, dug up PREY dirt, visited the WB lot, and created everything from fortune cookies to fan fiction. From the LA Times to TV Guide online, we have carried the message of PREY to the media everywhere. Speaking of everywhere, PREY fans are found around the world. From Australia to Europe, people have connected with the PREY vision.

In our time together we have shared so much. From the fun of "favorite pet" discussions to the joys of our members as they start new jobs, find new directions in life, move, or share family accomplishments (of course we eagerly await our first PREY baby with Maggie and her family!), we have gotten to know each other. Through the good times and not so good times, we have supported each other and cared about each other. I know I speak for many of us when I say that the friends I have made and the passion that I have found in championing this exceptional show have filled a very special place in my heart.

Many people have shared with me some wonderful ideas to mark PREY's first anniversary. I am not sure at this point in what direction Mr. Schmidt will be moving. I want to support his efforts and would prefer to wait for any big initiatives ( such as another ad in Variety) until we have a better handle on what he is doing. That way we can target our message in the most helpful way possible. As soon as I hear from him about his plans, I will let everyone know.

However, I do think that January is the right time to renew our writing efforts. As I read the many touching letters and emails that I received about PREY and its 1st anniversary, I realized that the beauty of this show is the way it touches so many people on so many levels. There isn't one message for PREY, there are thousands. I think that the most effective way we can share that message is by each of us sharing in our letters that which touches us most about PREY. What moves you, the young college student, the busy professional, the homemaker, the artist, the business executive, the Midwest family, the big city dweller? These are the stories of PREY. This is the heart of why PREY has a future. This show is not a one note production that has a limited appeal. This show has the potential to touch all kinds of people in all kinds of ways. That is the message that I think the network executives, advertisers, and media representatives need to hear. PREY is a vision that has the ability to touch people in all our wonderful diversity. Your stories will speak louder than any one collective letter could ever do. Share your heart and you will share PREY. For those of you reading this from an email, remember that our campaign site has listings of addresses for network executives, advertisers, and media representatives. Check out our campaign site at

I heard from Mark Morgan, the musical composer for PREY, last night. As you know, he is working on Vengeance Unlimited now. However, in common with other PREY production people I correspond with, he would love to work on PREY again. Debra Messing has also shared that she would be willing to work on a movie version of PREY. PREY has a heart and a passion that still draws people. I know that it is hard to wait, but things don't move as quickly in this industry as we might like them to. It is not uncommon for projects to take a year or two to get going. PREY is worth the wait and the passion.

In some other news, Jeanne, our message board genius, has found a site that will let us set up a free message board that is like our old one and the one she established for her class project. I have set up an account and Jeanne will be setting up the board after a much deserved break. The new board will be linked from our campaign site and I will manage it on a day to day basis. I think this will give us the kind of reliability that we need. Hopefully the new board will be ready to go in the first week or two of January. I will email everyone and post at WB and Tiffany's board as soon as the board is up and going. I know we all appreciate Tiffany's efforts and I assume she will keep her board up at her site. I just want to make sure we have a board that is managed on a day to day basis and that gives us a permanent home that we can count on. A huge thank you to Jeanne for all her efforts in locating the new provider for our message board and for her work in setting it up. A 1.6 effort for sure!

I know I have said this so often, but I don't think it can ever be said often enough. You are exceptional individuals. Your passion, your heart, your determination are rare and precious in the world today. You deserve PREY and it deserves you. Never let go of the passion that you have found in our journey together. That passion, that fire, is what makes you most human, most precious. I wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season and a new year filled with both challenge and success as it is from both of these that we find the true meaning of what it is to be human.

