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Campaign Update #81:

Mary Ann -- Friday, 19 May 2000, at 11:22 a.m.

I'm happy to report that I'm CONFIDENT that by now we've ACTUALLY sent 500 or more posters/keys, etc. to Bonnie Hammer. Thanks to you all, I have been able to keep a running tab on the number of mailings each participant has pledged to send–good going, evertibe! I think what distinguishes our effort from other similar campaigns is that instead of *claiming* to have sent 'thousands' of whatever, we actually have some documentation of numbers. So, do you think we can manage a thousand?

KAREN'S ARTICLE. Karen aka Shadow Man has faxed me a draft of her review of Prey for Sci-Fi Entertainment–it's great, and she's currently polishing it (with a little editorial advice from Professor Know-It-All aka me). Also, kudos to Karen et al. for sending the Prey banner to Sci-Fi! What initiative! I was rather disappointed that my letter to Sci-Fi Weekly wasn't published this week–maybe next week? Watch for it–and don't hesitate to write yourself (

PREY DOSSIER. I think it may be time (again) to put together a Prey Dossier of published material (media reviews, fan reviews, letters to the editor re Prey–anything in print and positive) to send to the relevant execs—Bonnie Hammer (Sci-Fi), Barry Diller (USA, Peter Roth (WB) to make our case for Prey. By now, there is an impressive volume of published material about Prey and the PFU Campaign spanning two years, but it needs to be collected and presented in an attractive and compelling way. Maybe someone will finally take notice! I have some of it (listed below), and I know that many of you have other items. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING THAT WOULD BE RELEVANT, SO THAT I CAN GET A COPY. BTW, I would be willing to make copies of the dossier (at cost) for anyone who's interested. FYI, here's a list of the items I've got:

Article in STARLOG (March 1998) by Marc Shapiro ("Evolution in Terror")

"I'm Excited About . . . Prey" by Lee Ann Gradwell, from VQT Newsletter

Articles from TV Gen: "Fans Pray for Prey" (April 16, 1998) and "ABC Brings Prey out to Play Again" (May 1, 1998)

"'Prey' Campaign Revives Series" by Joel McKinney, Journal and Courier, July 3, 1998

Comments on Prey by Diane Golomb, Susan Anspach, Anna Peekstok and Mary Ann Beavis in VQT Newsletter

Items needed: LA Times (Lowry) and TV Gen articles (by John Walsh)–these are available on the PFU Campaign site, but I can't print them out; a copy of the Variety ad; TV Zone article (interview with William Schmidt). The ideal would be to have good quality photocopies of the actual articles (rather than transcriptions). Email me if you have any of this (or other relevant) material, and I'll give you my mailing address.

PREY RAFFLE. It's time for a reminder about the raffle to be held at the MINI-PREY CON. The prizes in the raffle are: pictures of the Prey cast, a Prey mug and Prey tote bag, a Prey story bracelet (with charms that pertain to particular parts of Prey), and some magnets from Carol (and Mary Ann/Ute). All money has to be in US denominations. The prices for the tickets are as follows

1 ticket is $1.00.
6 tickets are $5.00
13 tickets are $10.00

The drawing will be at the Mini-Prey Con.

Contact the Prey Treasurer Judy at

TREASURER'S REPORT: Judy informs me that the Prey for Us Campaign account currently boasts $305.97. Maybe some day we'll be able to afford another Variety ad (I think this may be do-able after the con).

OTHER MINI-CON IDEAS: Open Mind and Lazydays from the Sci-Fi BB have come up with a great "Let Tom Out" game for the con. Sounds like fun! And Margaret N. has suggested that everyone come wearing a key around their necks! Please keep us posted!

And last but definitely not least . . . YEAH NEWBIES! It's been such a boost for us "old-timers" to see so many new names on the MBs, and such an abundance of enthusiasm and great ideas and activities for the PFU Campaign!

Useful links for those of you who haven't found them yet!

PFU Campaign:
Prey Domain Page:
Prey Mini-Con:

As always, please contact me if you have any suggestions, questions or concerns–or if I've left anything out of this report that should be in it!!!!

Mary Ann

"It's in my head somehow, like a dream I can't remember" (Tom).