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Campaign Update #83: *VARIETY AD APPEAL*

Mary Ann aka Flowie -- Wed, 14 Jun 2000 2:15 p.m.

For those of you who missed it, the PFU Campaign is currently raising the money to place an ad in Variety, which, according to advice from a "Hollywood insider", would make a powerful statement after the show has been out of production for two years. 

We want this ad to appear AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, but we also need to be sure that we have the funds to cover it. Between pledges received so far and the current balance in the PFU Campaign account, we have about $610; the full cost of a 1/7th page ad, both coasts, is $1430. We MAY still be able to get a 25% discount due to a typo in our last ad, but the woman who handled our previous ads is no longer with Variety, and they have no record of the discount offer (I am currently trying to find out if Gina has anything in writing). So, for the time being, we have to assume that we will be paying the full price.

Please consider donating an AFFORDABLE amount towards the Variety ad. So far, we have received pledges from $20-$50; less is fine, more is fine, and if you absolutely can't afford it right now, that's fine too! A large number of small donations will do the job just fine! *HOWEVER, PLEASE REALIZE THAT THE MAIN SOURCE OF FUNDS FOR THE PFU CAMPAIGN IS DONATIONS FROM FANS.* This means you (and me, too!). I will be posting regular reports on the status of the Variety appeal on the PFU MB. We'll be sure that everyone who makes a "Variety" donation receives a copy of the ad. Donations should be made through the PFU Campaign treasurer, JudyA (

Checks should be made out to the Prey for Us Campaign.

To see the text of our previous Variety ads, go to

How can we wait? How can we ignore this opportunity? (Tom)