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Campaign Update #86

Another update so soon, you ask? Well, as you all know, some rather intriguing hints have been coming out of the Sci-Fi Channel lately, AND THIS MEANS THAT IT'S REALLY TIME TO PRESS THEM FOR SOME ANSWERS! 

For those of you who don't visit the PFUMB that often, an article about the PFU Campaign was published in the Indianapolis Star on Tuesday (thanks to the initiative of our media mogul Jeanne!). Check it out! 

In it, Kat Stein (a Sci-Fi Channel spokesperson) says, "the campaign has been noticed. Although it may not be feasible to resume the series, given that the stars have moved on, ''I think there has been some movement internally to give the Prey fans something . . . . While it may not be bringing back the series, or even a movie, I think there's a movement afoot. I can't go into the idea, because I don't know if it's going to happen, but maybe we can give something back to the fans that would satisfy them." 

Obviously, this is very important, and it's ESSENTIAL that we keep up the pressure, especially on the Sci-Fi Channel, to let us know what that "something," is, and to urge them to give it to us (assuming that we want it, LOL!). 

So, IN ADDITION TO finishing up the key campaign (my estimate is that we have about 129 to go before we hit the "second" 500 mark) AND the postcards mentioned in Update #85, we ALL make copies of the Indy Star article (with Ms. Stein's comments HIGHLIGHTED) and send it with a letter to Bonnie Hammer asking what Sci-Fi planning for Prey! I think that since it's Sci-Fi who made the statement (and remember, we've also heard some encouraging words from Craig Engler of, they should be our primary target for this aspect of the campaign. WE WANT TO TIME THIS SO THAT MS. HAMMER RECEIVES THESE LETTERS BY THE LAST WEEK OF AUGUST, BUT MY INSTINCT RIGHT NOW IS TO START

ONE INTERESTING SUGGESTION THAT I RECENTLY RECEIVED FROM CHANCELL (thanks, Chancell!) is that we ask Sci-Fi for an episode of their series SCIOGRAPHY (sadly, not yet available in Canada!) about the making of Prey!
Who knows, maybe that's the "something" they're thinking about (I'm certain that Bill Schmidt would go for it!)--so mention that as "something" we'd like to see in your letter to Ms. Hammer: 

Bonnie Hammer, Vice-President 
Sci-Fi Channel 
1230 Avenue of the Americas 
New York, NY 10020 

Sci-Fi # (that works)): 1-212-408-9100 

Also, I've got a more "accurate" mailing address for Peter Roth: 

Peter Roth 
Warner Brothers Television Network 
4000 Warner Boulevard 
Building 140 
Room 229 
Burbank, CA 91522 

Mary Ann aka Flowie