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First Official Update - #87:

Sunday, September 24, 2000

Ladies and Gentlemen: this corner the reigning champ of the industry...the network executives, weighing in at an impressive demographic scale but lacking in foresight of what the viewers truly want to see in prime-time television. This incredible tag team has been the victor in many battles to reign over the viewers from all over the world.

Opposing this formidable team are the new co-chairs of the Prey For Us Campaign, standing up for the down-trodden viewers who have diligently fought for over 2 1/2 years for the renewal of their favorite series...Prey. These ladies are lightweights at best and have a tough match ahead of them, but they are tag teamed with the toughest, most hardworking, passionate group of fans to ever get behind a television show, and that just might make this fight for survival possible...

So...let's get ready to RUUUMMMBBLLLLLE!!!!!!!!

All right...let's get serious now! Did you all enjoy that little metaphor???

First of all, Barb and I want to tell you how much we are looking forward to being the co-chairpersons of this campaign because we are such a dedicated bunch that it will be fun and enjoyable while being a lot of hard work. We've got some big shoes to fill...not only what Gina started for us, but also what Mary Ann did...let's all give her a big round of applause and a much deserved bow. Barb and I can only hope we can "lead" this wonderful group as well as they did.

The following are the thoughts Barb and I have been discussing for several weeks now (there are many more, but we didn't want to make this too long...we don't want to bore all of you at the get-go.) So, without further ado, here are our suggestions for the next few weeks (please also note that we ask each and every one of you to please email us with your thoughts, suggestions, comments, concerns, whatever at any point in time on any of these issues and more...we have an open-door policy. We want everyone to feel comfortable contacting us about any Prey-related issue...okay, I'm getting wordy again??!!!):

1. Mary Ann was kind enough to start a Census of all the PFU members recently. We currently have a list of approximately 100 members who have responded to her request. But, we are sending out this simple reminder to those who have yet to respond...please let us know you're out there. It is extremely important that we have a good head-count of our membership. Numbers is the name of the game for the "industry" and without it...well, they may not continue to take us as seriously as they have to date. Here is the information we need:

Your Name
Your Handle (the name you go by, your nickname)
Your Location (city/town, state and/or country)
Your Email Address

If you want any of the following withheld, please just say so. No names, locations or email addresses will be given out without your permission and that's a promise.

2. As most of you on this MB know, Vincent Ventresca did an on-line chat via the Sci-Fi Channel last night, and our very own SilverChex (Valerie from Nevada) and Openmind were able to get their questions posted. Congrats to you both ladies!! The Prey question posed to Vincent received a positive response. He'd "absolutely" do a "tv movie." However, he did make reference to the fact that he'd prefer Prey to return to its original format. Our resounding concerns about Vincent and Debra being unable to reprise their roles can be put to rest (hopefully) since we have verbal (or on-line verbal in VV's case)statements of their assent. I (Lee Ann) plan to do a written transcript of my question to Debra from the Viewers for Quality Television convention from 1998. I thought it would be nice to revisit that moment since we had such a great chat with VV.

3. Mary-willing came up with yet another venue for our cause...a forum at Delphi. Barb and I ask that you, when possible, please visit the forum at - Mary has stated that fan fiction is welcome there and any other comments you may have for Prey. We don't have to be limited to this MB or the SFC BB. Go there and express yourselves.

4. We are a hot topic over at The Hollywood Reporter's BB. Please continue to go there as often as you can and post. We really hope that if there is enough activity on that BB that perhaps the "powers that be" at THR will consider doing anactual article in their written publication. The address for this BB is as follows: Go there and be heard, please!

5. In addition to visiting the above, we strongly request that you all visit the SFC BB and post as often as possible, mainly because they seem to be our greatest link to getting more Prey. Barb and I both realize that there are so many Prey sites to visit that you can't do them all, and real life has a tendency to really interrupt, but whatever you can do is greatly appreciated. Please also keep in mind that posts at the WB site wouldn't hurt too. Make the decision based on what you are able to do each day given time constraints. That's all any of us can do.

6. Before we go too far in this report we need to make sure that all of you know how to reach us. As you can see above, we have created a separate email address at angelfire. This address will be for all official Prey emails. If you have any private concerns, comments, suggestions, etc. please address them to either Barbor I at our personal email addresses. We will be checking all 3 addresses on a regular basis so your emails will be answered as quickly as we possibly can. For your convenience the following are the emails to use:

Official Prey Issues -
Private Emails for Barb -
Private Emails for Lee Ann -

Thanks one and all!

7. Barb and I have been talking about an official Prey "mascot" and while we know many of you have very special pets of your own who you may consider a mascot...we just wanted you to know that in our home Joey, the wonder dog, is the official mascot of our (mine and Barb's) cause simply because he's not human and he's so loveable.

8. Back to serious again...a short time ago Mary Ann announced a postcard challenge and Margaret suggested there be a gift given to the person who sends out the most postcards. Barb and I are requesting information on this challenge. How is everyone doing with it and Mary Ann can you email us with the totals to date? Also, can anyone tell us what might be happening with the gift idea? We want to make sure we are up-to-date on this issue so we can follow its progress.

9. Our letter writing campaigns are extremely important simply because the networks do get the letters and consider each letter to be representative of so many viewers (don't know the exact numbers). But when not dealing with a network, and in dealing with publications that may give us some publicity, let's take advantage of the email opportunities that the publications provide for us. So with that thought in mind Barb and I are suggesting that you please consider doing the following:

During the week of October 1 to October 7 please hit the Hollywood Reporter BB as mentioned above as well as send email "letters to the editor" via their website. Snail mail letters are also encouraged, but again, remember that the Hollywood Reporter, along with many other publications, have provided us with email forums. Let's try to use them since it's quick and easy. No matter what format you choose please write them.

We also suggest writing Ken Tucker at Entertainment Weekly during the week of October 15 to 21. Again emails and snail mail are encouraged.

Next up would be Matt Roush at TV Guide. Same suggestions apply here except please do this the week of October 29 to November 4.

We really believe that if we hit these folks enmass during those suggested time periods that we could get a much better response for publicity of our cause. We want loads and loads of emails/letters to arrive during those weeks to those individuals. The more emails/letters they receive, the more they will see how serious we are. And given the recent exposure our cause has received via the Sci-Fi wire article, the Frontier magazine soon-to-be released issue, the Xpose article and the Jeanne-inspired articles we can't stop the momentum.

We also suggest that during those scheduled weeks you write letters only to the designated individuals. Please put your other regularly written and/or emailed letters on hold for the weeks not assigned to a certain individual, that way our efforts can be concentrated on one thing. Again, the name of the game is numbers. Please remember you don't have to participate in these letter campaigns, but we sincerely hope you will help out with the volume of letters received if and when you can. Please give us your suggestions on who or where you think campaigns could be addressed to in the future. Our idea is just to keep the momentum going, and hitting each target as hard as we can in a short, planned period of time. Maybe we can make our numbers look larger if things come in fast and furious, rather than an email/letter slowly, here and there.

Oh yeah, please continue in your endeavors for local publicity on Prey. As shown to us by Jeanne's determination, Prey can get coverage in the local media. Do what you can with your local entertainment reporters, and if you have success getting Prey mentioned, please let all of us know. The more coverage the better.

10. Yes, I promise there is an end in's coming...Most of you know there are on-going monthly minders. Barb and I simply want to be updated on how these are going. Those PFU members involved in the minders, please email us about the progress, ok? Also, we welcome suggestions for future monthly minders. We have ideas covering up until January so if you can think of a unique idea for February of 2001 and on, please don't be afraid to suggest here on the MB or email us at our address.

11. Karen aka Shadowman had posted on this MB, wondering if David Nutter was a good person to write to about the future of Prey. We didn't see any responses to her suggestion on the board, but we personally think this is a great idea. So if there isn't any opposition, all we need to do is get an address for Mr. Nutter and we can include him in our next letter writing campaign update. Thanks for the suggestion Shadowman, plese keep those ideas coming one and all.

AND FINALLY, I (Barb) really do have an idea about bringing in some of the lurkers that we all know are around. It will take a little time to explain, and we've already, "yada, yada'd" ourselves on long enough. I do want to run it by you in the near future though. It's a fun idea I think, one that may catch the eye of people on other boards/sites that may have even an inkling of interest in the show (or it's stars). soooo, that will be coming soon.

In closing, we hope we haven't overloaded all of you with this post. Please consider helping where you can and get us in the loop of any ideas you have for the future. We look forward "to serving" you.

Lee Ann and Barb