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Update - #95

Mini-Campaign Update 

Saturday, November 17, 2001 

Hey All,

As most of you have probably noticed, Barb and I have not been posting much lately and that is not due to lack of interest, but rather lack of time. We've had some rather major real life events keeping us preoccupied, not allowing us to spend as much time on here as we'd like. 

We've both been visiting the board and our angelfire account on a daily basis, trying to keep up-to-date on what's happening and we appreciate those who've sent us their counts for the latest mail/email campaign. We also appreciate 'Sloan' jumping in with her enthusiasm and desire to learn the numbers count thus far. In the beginning of this latest campaign, Barb had requested we continue until about November 16, giving all of us time to handle holiday plans from that point on. While we are not discouraging anyone from sending in more postcards and emails to Sci-Fi, we will understand if anyone cannot devote as much time as possible given the pending holidays and all that entails. We - Barb and I - are definitely at that point right now too. 

I can't, at this time, really delve into the real life issues facing Barb and I right now, but we want everyone to know that we - Barb and I - want all of you to continue with the mail-in/email campaign to Sci-Fi in support of Tom's Story to the best of your ability and keep the faith. This is the closest we've ever gotten and we aren't going to give up. Like Mary Ann said we will "preyvail." 

Please feel free to post your mail/email counts here. I believe Lori has volunteered to help keep track of numbers. If you want to email it to Barb and I in private, we will definitely do our best to get the tallies on the board. 

Thanks for your understanding and do what you can from now until the end of the year.

Lee Ann and Barb