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Update - #94

Date: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 

Given the events that have unfolded in our world as of late, it seemed appropriate to take a break from campaigning. But now it's time to get going again. After much deliberation, Lee Ann and I would like us to continue to hit Scifi. There has been much talk about changing our focus to UPN, but we have it on good authority that this is a VERY good time for us to start rattling the cages at Scifi again. In fact, this is probably the most important window of opportunity that Prey has EVER had at Scifi (this is where you read between the lines, raise your eyebrows, and say "ahhhhhh"). We would like everyone to continue to use our existing excellent posters and postcards, as well as some great new postcards put together by V. Jeanne, can we get those links back up at the top of the board again? Do we have a link for V's postcards? It would be great if we could have these back by tomorrow, so we can get started right away. With these materials already at our disposal, there's no reason that we can't start ASAP. As always, numbers are important, so send as many as you can. Our overseas fans are crucial, but we know it's expensive for you to participate, so just do whatever you can, ok? 

We've come to a place in this campaign where things are really happening!! We're delivering a baby preymates, and it's time to puuuuuuuuuuush...LOL. I say we name the baby Tom (as in Tom's Story). We've had lot's and lot's of good publicity lately. We've been mentioned at numerous sites, and Prey (and this campaign) has in general been very high profile lately. Let's get the wheels going again, and make the mailroom guy at Scifi have to go back to the Chiropractor!! Bonnie Hammer's address is at the top of the board, so as soon as it's possible, start spreading the news!!!!! We'll keep this going until around November 16th, when many of us will be gearing up for the Thanksgiving holiday the following week. 

Lee Ann is going to be doing a separate update sometime today about the Con situation. Travel isn't what it used to be, and we've done a lot of thinking about that. I have to fly at Thanksgiving, and I'm not happy about it at all. At any rate, let's hope that things are better by next year. Look for that sometime today. 

Soooo, let's get going everyone. Although Iman has been cancelled (but will hopefully be back at some point) there is definitely still hope for Prey at Scifi. We just have to get in there and let them know that we want to see Tom's Story, and we want to watch it on Scifi.


Well, I guess it's my turn since Barb notified all of you about the new mail-in campaign. 

Much discussion has been held since the 2001 mini-con in Burbank about where to go in 2002. As most of you know, we have been considering either attending World Con, to be held in San Jose, California or gearing up to hit Toronto Trek enmass. The votes were tallied (several times) and the overall con is......(drum roll, please)...... 

World Con 

Now, please keep in mind that just because more members chose this con DOES NOT mean members cannot attend Toronto Trek or any other convention this coming year. So, with that being said, I'd like to suggest that we consider having two mini-cons. Fortunately these cons are far enough apart that we can supply each group attending with all the Prey goodies needed for the fan tables. And, in light of current events, I completely understand how members may feel about air travel. 

So, the decision is going to be left up to each member. You decide which convention you'd like to attend and make your arrangements. If neither of these conventions appeal to you or are in a geographical area that you cannot or will not (for obvious reason) travel to, please feel free to locate a more geographically-desirable convention, find other members in your area and hold a mini-mini-convention of your very own. Does that make sense? 

Okay, now for the more technical issues. Who will act as coordinators for these two conventions? I do not want to impose on Elaine for Toronto Trek (ONLY if you feel you have the time, of course, Elaine). Who would be willing to oversee the World Con duties? Please contact Barb and I in private at if you'd like to coordinate or have any other questions, ok? 

If you need the addresses for the sites for either con, please just ask us and those URL's can be posted. I can't remember if I have those with me at work or I would put them up right now. If you would like assistance finding other conventions, you can contact Prey's Guardian (Sarah), who investigates worldwide conventions for us. Give it some thought and let us know what you decide to do. Thanks!

Lee Ann

Lee Ann and Barb