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Update - #97

First of all, get those letters and postcards out there. We want to flood the two addresses for Debra as much as possible for at least the next week. Thanks!

Sloan emailed me the following and I wanted to share it with all of you.

1 "Yes, Bill wants the entire original cast in his movie." This will, of course, be in the "hands of the TV movie gods if they would all be available should the script be sold." Remember the word should is in this sentence, but that won't deter us, right?

2. "This is also time for some real prayers....special "preyers" with a punch. *Amen*" I agree, don't you?!

3. "Fans can certainly mention the movie script...we want Debra to know about it." Just don't mention Bill in your letters, et al. "We want the agency folks to simply realize that a Prey movie sequel script is on the market and is getting positive reaction; fans around the world heard about it and desperately want Debra to be in it as Sloan." PS. Check out the great postcard Jeanne just posted and don't be afraid to create your own. Be creative and have fun with this.

4. Sloan told Bill about the VQT tape of the panel discussion and here is what Sloan told me: "Since Bill was thrilled to hear you had it on tape, I sent him some of the transcript." I'll be curious to hear from Sloan what he says about her comments.

Did any of you read that a feature film of Knight Rider is being seriously considered. I was flabbergasted, to be quite honest. I mean, they can finance for this movie to be done, and a feature film at that; but Prey can't get back on the tv airwaves for 2 hours and I-man gets cancelled. There just isn't something right about that. Ok, I'm off my pedestal now.

I wanted to thank those who contacted me about the missing preymates. Please review the list further down "Where Have All the Preymates Gone?" if you haven't done so already, and let me know if you know any of these missing members and if you know how to reach them. I'd appreciate it.

Lastly, I received this from Gail from an article that Debra Messing did for Style (I believe that's the name of it) Magazine. I'm not giving you the entire article just tidbits that seemed interesting.

"Debra is branching out into noncomedic roles. ... 'By switching genres you come back fresher,' she says. 'You're a better performer because of it.'

"Enamored with Messing's performance as the spunky, endearingly klutzy interior designer Grace Adler, Hollywood has made a beeline for the green-eyed redhead, wooing her from the small screen to the big. She appeared as Richard Gere's wife in The Mothman Prophecies, a somber supernatural thriller that opened in January, and in May she'll star in Woody Allen's latest romp, Hollywood Ending.

"To be tapped for Allen's film - to play his girlfriend, no less - was itself a veritable Hollywood ending for the actress. She was in her car when word came that she had been cast, and her screaming nearly caused an accident. Messing's roots in the filmmaker's beloved New York run deep. Though raised in Rhode Island, she was born in Brooklyn and spent three years studying acting at NY University and many more in the city getting her career off the ground. 'When this movie comes out, it's going to blow my family's minds,' she says. 'I mean, this is a Jewish family from NY, so the whole Woody Allen thing is almost mythological. He's fascinating. There's no experience like working on his movie.'

"The admiration is clearly mutual. Allen, whose film shoots constitute a master class in old-fashioned romantic comedy, declares Messing 'a great natural comedian'. 'Debra is extremely intelligent and full of ideas - she's great fun,' he says. 'She has the ability to give a director just about anything.'

"Messing's expertly timed pratfalls have led many to dub her a new Lucille Ball, a comparison that, frankly, freaks her out. 'I mean, it's the greatest compliment, and it makes me blush,' she says. 'But I'm not delusional. I realise she's untouchable.' The truth is, Messing doesn't even consider herself a funny person offscreen. 'I can't tell a joke, can't write a joke,' she says. 'That's not where my talent lies.'"

The rest of the article is about her life with her husband, how down to earth they are, running out to McDonald's at midnight, etc. She would love an emmy for Will & Grace (she's the only star who hasn't gotten one) and she has an addiction to doughnuts and peanut-butter cups. She would love to have a baby and move back to NY.

BACK TO ME: Gee, maybe we could do a gift basket of doughnuts and peanut butter cups with Prey related items in the basket and send it to her. Actually that doesn't sound like too bad an idea? What do you guys think? I'd have to find out if the are accepting delivered packages at the W&G bungalow in Studio City, as many studios are extremely careful about packages, et al since 9-11. But, it's definitely a thought. Please give me some feedback on this, ok?

Thanks everybody! Keep plugging on those letters/postcards!

Lee Ann and Barb