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Update - #98

Hey All,

Yes, it's me again. I will try to make this short as I'm staying late at work to do this and several other things that I need to get done.

1. PLEASE keep sending those letters and postcards to Debra. This is VERY important! This mail-in campaign is actually going to be extended until April 14 so send what you can and keep sending me your tally numbers and I will announce them as I can.

2. Please refrain from sending any letters to any of the networks about the movie for right now. I am getting confirmation about the ongoing email campaign to Sci-Fi and will update you on that just as soon as I can.

3. As for the gift basket, I am moving forward on that. A few of you have offered to send money to help with this. That is not necessary, but if you'd like to make a donation to the PFU campaign fund, you can do that. Just email our treasurer, Sue H., at and she let you know all the particulars.

I will be putting in Reese's peanut butter cups (as stated before) and may even pick up a small box of 2 Krispy Kremes since Debra likes donuts. In addition, I'll be sending her a Prey pen, Prey brochure and a Prey business card, made by Preymate Carol for our last Agamemcon convention.

I also plan to send her one of the "Did You Know" flyers made by Kiera and the information sheets made by Jeanne (am I right on that?) that were used at the cons, showing the fan fic sites and the Prey sites. I will, of course, update them slightly to reflect what is active. I will also compose a letter that will be from the entire campaign, asking her to do the movie should it come to fruition.

BUT, I am asking for Prey-related gift suggestions (other than the monkeys, who will wear signs that say "Preying for a Prey movie sequel with you in it). It can't be anything too large or costly, but let me know what you think. Please send your suggestions to

The basket will probably go to her within the next week, week and a half. I want it to look really nice for her, as I'm sure all of you do. I will try to get a picture of it and send it to one of our webmistresses who can post pictures since I don't have the right equipment to do that.

4. I want to help with the ordering process on the "Roughing It" video that Christine, Jill and Tina have volunteered to help copy. So, please email me at only and I will compile the master list and divide them between our 3 lovely volunteers. If you have already posted here that you want a copy, please email me anyway. If you have already contacted Tina by private email and made arrangements, just stick to that arrangement. Thanks so much!

5. I've gotten a few more email address updates from members, but I'm still looking for others. If you can help, please review the list further down on the board and get back to me when you can.

6. If you haven't done so already, please check out the posts by Danielle about the new Iman video she created. This will give you a great glimpse into what our Prey video will look like. It's great! Also, please see the post by Barbro about the sci-fi site where there are newbies posting. If you can respond to them, if you're registered to that site, please do so. I've asked Barbro to invite those folks to our board so perhaps we'll have some newbies coming over here.

That's it for today. Keep writing folks!!

Lee Ann and Barb