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Our Views On Gun Control

It's a sad day when our children are no longer safe at school. The recent school shootings have opened people's eyes to the possibilities of what could happen anywhere. However, politicians are thriving for more gun control. I would like someone to answer me a question: "How will more gun control keep these shootings from happening"? Seriously, let's think about this, if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns, which leave the innocent defenseless!

Let's start with the shooting in Arkansas last year, these kids broke into one of the kid's grandparent's gun cabinet got the guns, & went on a shooting spree at their school. The Colorado shooting: again the kids illegally got the guns, they were even making pipe bombs in their garage! Now the Ga. shooting, this one has me worried! This kid supposedly broke into his parent's locked gun cabinet & stole the 22 rifle & 357 pistol he used. It seems really scary the timing,just a couple of hours before the vote on the gun control bill, with Al Gore (thanks for the internet Gore) casting the deciding vote! Do ya think it's possible that someone from the government could have set this up? Seriously, think about something, the 22 rifle was fired 11 times, & the 357 - 5 times. 16 shots & only 5 kids were hit. Also none were killed (Thank the Lord). How do you fire 16 shots & hit only 5 kids & only wound them all? Had to be planned. The kid voluntarily handed the guns to the principal & surrendered. I'd be willing to make a bet that the kid gets off with temporary insanity. If he does, you better watch out for Uncle Sam. He's out to get total control of each & every one of us, & the place he started was raising taxes out the gazu, now by taking our right to bear arms away from us. BEWARE!!! (Robert Hood)

Views on Y2K & Kosovo

Are you worried about the Y2K problem? Why? Is there really a problem? Think about this: America has the technology to send a space probe from Earth to Mars, & send back pictures. To get from Earth to Mars, I'm informed that Nasa uses the "Slingshot" technique. What this is, is when the space probe leaves Earth, it is directed to another planet, goes into that planet's orbit,where it picks up a great deal of speed due to gravitational pull,& at the precise moment, it ejects from that orbit, directly heading to the next planet's orbit. And so on, and so on. Now can you imagine the techical data required to do this? Mind boggling I'm sure. So, if we have the technology to do this, why is 2 numbers in the date of our computers a problem???? If you ask me, it's all just a bunch of hype! Probably so Uncle Sam has something to blame his financial condition on!!!!! Our country is going broke in a hurry, & we are taxed out the gazu.Which brings me to another disturbing point. We don't mind helping the Kosovar people by spending billions of dollars (that we don't really have)in what Clinton calls a "Nonwar". He doesn't even admit that we are at War for crying out loud! 10 years ago, we considered the Kosovar people a terrorist group. Now we are helping them fight their war that they have been in for years & years. What business is it of ours??? We will allow our teenage daughters to get an abortion without the consent or even notification of her parents. However if that same girl, gets in an accident,goes to the hospital & needs surgery, it can't be done until parental consent is given. We don't mind the killing of unborn babies, but we will spend billions of dollars to save a group of people that the U.S. considered terrorists 10 yrs. ago! If you ask me, NATO is after something over there. I feel that we are invading Yugoslavia, in a seek to control that country, & using their civil war as a front for it! (Robert Hood)
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