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Our Conservative Political Views

Ever wonder why you pay so much tax? You pay through your with-holdings out of your paycheck, your property is taxed to the county you live in plus your school district. Every time you go to the store to buy something, you pay tax on it, your car is taxed, your license to drive your car is a tax. If you want to hunt or fish, you have to buy a license. That is a tax. There is also estate taxes, gift taxes, etc.,etc.,etc.... We have the most COMPLEX tax system in the world. WHY? Why? Why? If I make more money than someone else,(we’ll call Joe), why should I pay a higher percentage of my money to the IRS than Joe? If we both pay let’s say 10%, I still pay more, ( because I made more), but that seems a whole lot more fair than charging me a larger % than what he pays. If Joe gets a tax break because he made little enough money to qualify for “Low Income”, where is his incentive to do better for himself??? Don’t misunderstand me. I know it takes money to live & Joe needs a break to live & eat, but why should I pay the difference by a higher % of tax if he gets a tax break? I know people that have actually got more money back in taxes than they paid in all year! How much more of this can we take? I'm in favor of doing away with our current tax system & doing away with the IRS. We should go to a "Flat Tax". That's where everyone pays the same % of tax, with no loopholes, & no special benefits. I know it sounds unfair, & although I don't believe a person should be taxed on what they earn, I haven't heard of any better idea on taxation. (Except not paying any at all! LOL )

I really like the idea of a "Consumption Tax,(a tax where you pay a built in higher price for goods), but I believe that would cause a recession, due to people not buying as much because the prices are quite a bit higher.But I am open minded & would love to hear some debating comments on the issue, please Email me from the bottom of the page with your comments.


We lost the Houston Oilers here. Does anyone know why? Bottom line is GREED. The Houston Astrodome wasn’t good enough for them anymore. WHY? No one can give a straight forward answer to that question. The Astrodome was built in 1963- 1964. Only 34 yrs old. Still in good shape. They never had a winning team, but I can guarantee it wasn’t due to the lack of support, or the lack of stadium facilities. When you charge $35 MINIMUM for a seat at a game (plus a license fee to buy a good seat at some stadiums), plus $5 to park, plus an astronomical rate for the concessions there, who can afford to go? Only the wealthy, right? Well, that’s fine. They work harder to afford these games. If that’s the way the club owners want it, fine. Let these wealthier people help with their donations to build a new stadium for these games. Why should I pay through my taxes to build a new stadium for these people to play games in that I can’t even afford to go to? Some of the players make more money in 1 yr. than I’ll make in a lifetime. Why can’t they help build a new stadium (if it’s needed)? Probably because they spend too much time striking due to contract problems all stemmed back to one thing...GREED. If someone was paying me 1 million$ a year to throw, kick, catch, or hit a ball, I’d do it & never say a word about it! The GREED of sports players & their owners will be their own downfall, because people, even the rich, will lose interest in the game if they have to pay too much to go see it.

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