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Our medical experience ranges from hospital additions and renovations to stand alone, medial clinics. We work closely with the Mississippi State Health Department  of Licensure and Certification to insure the State requirements as well as the Life Safety Codes are met.
Other Medical Related Facilities Include:

1. Emergency, Kidney Dialysis, and Physical Therapy Additions to the Wayne General Hospital/1992.

2. Rankin Medical Center Projects:
A. Central Stores Addition/1988
B. Dietary Renovation/1989
C. 2nd & 3rd Floor Nurses Station Renovation/1990
D. Outdoor Pavilion/1990
E. First Floor Radiology Area Renovation.

3. Southwest Medical Office Building, Dallas, Texas/1984.
4. Brookhaven Medical Properties, LLC, 7,600 s.f. Medical clinic presently under construction in Brookhaven, Mississippi. Scheduled for completion in October of 2001.
5. Mississippi Sports Medicine Interior Lobby Renovation, Jackson, MS Completed in 2009.
6. Mississippi Sports Medicine MRI Addition, Jackson, MS Completed in 2010.

Click the following thumbnails to enlarge:

mvc_0880s.jpg Mississippi Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Center / Jackson, MS
This 2,300 square foot, second floor addition was constructed over the existing clinic and added administration, and doctors office's as well as clerical, confernce room, and support spaces. First floor related renovation work as well. Large structural spans and placing structural steel columns down through the existing roof complicated the construction efforts. The project was completed on time and in budget by H & T Construction Company of Clinton, MS.

mvc_0775s.jpg Mississippi Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Center / Jackson, MS
Considering the technical challenge of such an addition, other challenges proved to be difficult such as blending the existing and new forms and synthetic stucco profiles. Exterior colors, stucco profiles, and addition forms seem to work well and blend together to form one well-balanced design.

medical-2.jpg.jpg (14461 bytes)Fitness Plus / Brandon, Mississippi
This facility is located adjacent Rankin Medical Center and houses physical therapy services, exercise area, interior walking track, aerobic exercise area, administrative office area, indoor physical therapy pool, outdoor pool, and toilet/shower and locker rooms. The project was completed in 1990 and was constructed for approximately 49 dollars per square foot.

cm-fitplusandmedical-1.jpg.jpg (13791 bytes)Fitness Plus / Brandon, Mississippi
We used a mixture of brick and split face cmu for added interest. The economics of the project were seen through the use of a pre-engineered metal building structure, roofing, rear wall, and partial upper walls.

medical_3.jpg.jpg Fitness Plus / Brandon, Mississippi
The top course of the split face cmu were chamfered to make a softer transition from the metal wall panels at the typical exterior wall condition. We also introduced painted steel members at the main entry for added interest.


MVC-027S.jpg (62789 bytes)Additions & Renovations to the Wayne General Hospital
Waynesboro, Mississippi                         
The 22,000 square foot addition included additional space for the emergency room and receiving areas, new kidney dialysis facility, radiology renovations and expansion, expansion for their physical therapy services, and a new exercise space related to the physical therapy space. This photo shows the covered entry at the kidney dialysis facility and also acts as an entry to the waiting area for the emergency room, kidney dialysis, and radiology functions.

MVC-026S.jpg (69995 bytes)Additions & Renovations to the Wayne General Hospital
Waynesboro, Mississippi                 
Photo at the kidney dialysis facility entry. A combination of split face cmu and brick were used throughout the exterior addition. The brick was painted to match the existing hospital and the brown split face cmu was used as an accent.

MVC-029S.jpg (43318 bytes)
Additions & Renovations to the Wayne General Hospital
Waynesboro, Mississippi                 
Photo at the kidney dialysis facility collonade, adjacent the entry.

MVC-030S.jpg (62445 bytes)
Additions & Renovations to the Wayne General Hospital
Waynesboro, Mississippi                 
Photo taken at the new emergency room and receiving area.


MVC-037S.jpg (41867 bytes)Additions & Renovations to the Wayne General Hospital
Waynesboro, Mississippi                 
Photo was taken at the interior waiting area for the kidney dialysis and emergency room functions. This waiting space also is used for the adjacent radiology waiting.


MVC-044S.jpg (74310 bytes)Additions & Renovations to the Wayne General Hospital
Waynesboro, Mississippi                 
Photo was taken at the new exercise space adjacent the physical therapy department.


MVC-010S.jpg (26599 bytes)Renovations to the Dietary Program, Rankin Medical Center
Brandon, Mississippi                 
Photo was taken just outside the entrance into the dining area of the hospital. The renovation project included full interior renovation of the dining, cafeteria style serving lines, kitchen and receiving areas. Primary general construction work was performed by the hospital physical plant department.


MVC-012S.jpg (35625 bytes)Renovations to the Dietary Program, Rankin Medical Center
Brandon, Mississippi                 
Photo was taken inside the dining area. The renovation project was completed in 1989 and construction cost was 275,000 dollars. Services included architectural, mechanical, electrical, and food service consultants.


MVC-019S.jpg (25717 bytes)Renovations to the 2nd & 3rd Floor Nurse's Stations, Rankin Medical Center
Brandon, Mississippi                 
The renovation project was completed in 1990 and included the demolition of the existing station and construction of new millwork, offices, and nurse work related areas at each floor.

125 Webb Lane, Flowood, Mississippi 39232 Phone: 601.941.6840 Fax: 800.245.7096


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