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Preliminary studies are developed based on a very specific programming phase to help identify the building bay size, functional arrangements, and relationships of the different departments and groups. Special attention is given to identify the ever changing communications needs. We also consider the image the client is attempting to achieve in the business, which translates into the physical design of both the interior and exterior of the facility and the overall campus.

Additional Office Buildings/Developments are identified as follows:

1. McKinney Place Office Building, Dallas, Texas; Sixteen level facility located in downtown Dallas/1985.

2. Additions and Renovations to the Nurses Association Building, Jackson, Mississippi/1980.

3. Goodridge Center, Building 601, 7,500 s.f. office building in Ridgeland, Mississippi/1999.

4. The Plaza Office Building Interior Lease Space for Commercial Insurance Co., and New York Life Insurance Co., and other interior office architecture from 1987 through 1991.

5. The Existing Ole Miss Gym Renovation into new, Administrative Offices. The renovation included the introduction of a third floor inside the two level structure and additional exterior work. Oxford, Mississippi/1998.

6. Century Metals Corp., Office Addition, Richland, Mississippi construction completed in August of 2001. Construction Cost approxiately $219,000.

 Click the following thumbnails to enlarge:

office-bci1.jpg.jpg (60605 bytes)Business Communications, Incorporated/Corporate Office/Ridgeland, Mississippi
Business Communications Incorporated Office Development includes a 9,000 s.f. office building and site development located on Highland Colony Parkway in Ridgeland, Mississippi completed in 1997. BCI has established several branch offices throughout the southeast and the Ridgeland offices act as the corporate headquarters.

office-bci2.jpg.jpg (44556 bytes)
Business Communications, Incorporated/Corporate Office/Ridgeland, MS
In planning the facility, primary offices were located in a sawtooth configuration along Highland Colony for added interest. The resulting interior space created an interesting diagonal flowing corridor along the path to each office interrupted by recesses in the corridor for reception desk & other secretarial spaces.

office-bci3.jpg.jpg (44722 bytes)Business Communications, Incorporated/Corporate Office/Ridgeland, MS
The exterior building design used two brick colors and some articulated brick work at the top of the exterior wall. The interior space provided a core of toilets & non-office spaces which gave the employee more exterior wall/natural light exposure.  At the time of the construction approximately seventy five percent of the building was used for office space and the remaining space as warehouse. Since that time, the entire building has converted into office space.

125 Webb Lane, Flowood, Mississippi, 39232 Phone: 601.941.6840 Fax: 800.245.7096 <XMP><!--mstheme--></font><!--msnavigation--></td></tr><!--msnavigation--></table></body></xmp>

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