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Psychiatric Medications
ECT & Herbal Therapy
Symptoms of Mood Disorders
Causes of Mood Disorders
Childhood-Onset Bipolar
Attention Deficit Disorder
Anxiety Disorders
Autism and Other PDDs
Disruptive Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
Eating Disorders & Dieting
Personality Disorders
Schizophrenia and Psychosis
Information on Self-Injury
Somatoform Disorders
All About Psychotherapy
Are You in a Crisis Now?
Art, Poetry & Mental Illness
BPhoenix Advice Columns
Free/Low Cost Medications
Ongoing Clinical Trials
Online Support, Boards & Chat
Stigma and Mental Illness
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About BPhoenix: Our History and Mission


BPhoenix History:

Over the past 6 years, BPhoenix has grown into a large website with more than 250 pages - with new pages being added every day. What originally began as a place to find information on bipolar disorder has now grown to include information on many other mental health disorders as well. Most of these disorders often co-exist with bipolar disorder, and therefore are a necessary addition to the BPhoenix community.

BPhoenix also now has 6 message boards and 14 support groups. Some of the support group members are active on the website as well, submitting tips and advice to readers and suggesting new page ideas. At this time I am the only author of the content on the site (unless otherwise specified), but I hope that will change in the future as more and more members get involved.

If *you* would like to get involved and contribute in some way to this website, please email and let me know.

BPhoenix Mission:

- To provide valuable and accurate information on bipolar and other mental health disorders to the public

- To educate the public on mental illness and to fight the stigma associated with it

- To advocate for the rights of patients, and encourage others to do the same

- To provide support forums that are safe and accepting, and that respect at all times the rights of all people, regardless of gender, age, religious or political beliefs, sexual orientation, employment status, disability (whether physical or mental), marital status, or nationality

Open Communication:

BPhoenix encourages communications from visitors to this site. If you have any questions or comments about the design of this site, its content, support groups, or message forums - do not hesitate to use the feedback link on the website. I will answer any question I feel qualified to answer, and will direct you to a reliable source of information if I am not. No personal information about you will be stored or shared with third parties without your written consent. For more information read the BPhoenix Privacy Policy


All information contained in this web site is strictly for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your medical doctor or psychiatrist.
Copyright © 2001-2013 BPhoenix, All Rights Reserved.
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This Site Updated 04/09/11