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Customer Testimonials

As a Police Chief at one of the largest universities in California, I frequently find my days rather long and stressful. That stress often manifested itself in increased tension in my shoulders and neck. Unfortunately, I am not able to take time away from the office to get a stress reducing message.

After some searching I found my solution when a practitioner came to my office and gave me a free demo Chair massage. Until then I hadn't heard of such a massage, but I won't go without one now. It only takes 15 minutes of my day, and it makes a world of difference. I have less headaches and shoulder pain now, and my body feels loose and relaxed.

I'd like to thank for offering such a time-efficient and affordable stress-management solution. I recommend your services for any busy professional.

John Carpenter
Chief of Police
San Diego State University

A few months ago Mr Carlston approached me to discuss the benefits of offering massage to my employees in the workplace. I will admit that I was pretty skeptical at first, but upon explaining how I may be able to realize an overall boost in my bottom line I thought I should open my mind a little to the possibility.

Mr. Carlston, or Jon as I have come to call him now, was able to show me many different ways that we could realize a benefit. Whether it was a lowered number of workers comp claims, increased vigor within my workforce, or a general betterment of my employees' attitudes, the staff at had an answer to many of the questions I had been asking myself for a long time as they related to an overall improvement in my employees' wellness.

At the present time we have staff members from come visit our facility once every two weeks. I am seriously considering stepping it up to once a week because I have been so impressed with the results. In addition to providing me and my staff with great therapeutic massage services, I am really impressed with the approach that takes towards my employees and their own personal, physical well-being. I employ a number of warehouse staff and a force of drivers, many of whom are faced with what could be considered chronic physical ailments due to the nature of their work. Rather than simply coming in, performing their work, and then leaving, the good people at chart my employees' progress each time they visit, teach them stretches and exercises they can perform themselves to further enhance the massages they get, and most importantly seem to actaully care that their work is making a difference.

The results that I have seen up until this point have included no workers comp claims since the institution of the program, an overall improvement in staff attitude, and lower employee turnover. All of this augments my bottom line and therefore makes the expense that is incurred by having San Diego come out more than justifiable.

I would like to "officially" recommend San Diego's services to any organization/individual that is interested in providing their employees/self with a means by which enjoy coming to work more than before. I used to look at these types of services as new-fangled and somewhat questionable. I now view San Diego as a strategic business partner helping me to achieve our company-wide goals.

With that I offer my kudos to all the employees as San Diego and express my sincerest gratitude.

Rich Prescott
Dir. Operations
ExpressAir Delivery Systems

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