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               Last Updated  on 03/27/01 01:40:02 PM           


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This is my 12" LX 200 mounted on it's permanent pier, inside my 12x12 roll off roof observatory.  I'm very happy with the performance of this scope, but as for the forks I think they are a bit too small for this big tube assembly. The forks for the 12" makes it have some vibration that is more noticeable than when I had my 10" LX 200.Other than that detail it is a Great Scope!  It's MUCH better tha the 10". I get alot more enjoyment and details from this scope than I ever did with my 10" on deep sky objects.

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This is my Takahashi FS102 mounted on Losmandy G11 mount with a Takahashi FC 60 piggybacked. This scope is a REALLY great scope. I am very pleased with everything about it. I get great views and it gives me stunning  detail on the planets. I recommend it to anyone that is in the market for a refractor. I will have a more  in depth review on this scope soon.







I'm very impressed with the workman ship and quality. Very Nice Focuser!!  The diagonal that is included with the package is totally worthless it is full of color! Star tested last night and it tested near perfect. There is a small halo of color around Jupiter and Saturn. But the planetary detail matches that of the 60mm Tak and might be a bit better because of the appeture difference. Very good scope if you don't mind a bit of color.






I used to have the GP mount but have since sold that and gotten this GP/DX. To compare them - the head is about the same size, but the tripod on the GP/DX is ALOT better. I like the design much better on this mount for the polar alignment  illuminator. The GP/DX is alot more rigid and holds weight better.  The Sky Sensor 2000PC has way too many features to list which are all terrific. It's very easy to install. It's really easy to read at night. As accurate as the LX200's so for the money it's a great buy.




We tested the Meade 152mm along side the Takahashi 102. The results showed that on really good atmospheric conditions the Meade 152 matches the Tak's clarity and contrast on planets, but on moderate to fair atmospheric conditions the 102 Always wins out. The star test tested fairly good. Color correction - it has a tab bit of color around bright objects, but not very noticeable. It's quite a heavy scope so not very portable! You will need a mount along the line of a Losmandy G11. Cosmetically leaves alittle to be desired. The focuser is a bit tricky to get used to-it's not smooth and Far from the quality of the Tak. On deep sky objects it performs very well. You can make out alot of detail on the Orion Nebulae  M81 and M82. They all showed up quite well. A very good scope for the price, but if your going to spend $2400.00 I would suggest buying the Takahashi 4" instead.- a much better buy!!! The Tak is much more portable and gives you much better views even on bad atmospheric nights.


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