In regard to links throughout this Site, you may see a word that is underlined but NOT highlighted blue like a link, It IS a link and these are words that can be found in our Dictionary. In case you're unfamiliar with some of the fishing lingo.
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Buy Fishing Line
Purchase Monofilament Fishing Line Here Most fishing line is made of nylon and is called "monofilament," or mono for short. It comes on spools of various lengths that are called "tests." Monofilament is the cheapest and most common. It is typically clear or green, and is a great all-purpose fishing line that can be used anywhere.
Fluorocarbons are the most expensive fishing line, more than double the price of standard mono. These lines look like monofilament but, are virtually invisible underwater. They have very little stretch which can lead to better hooksets. This type of line is best suited for the same conditions as monofilament.
Braided line has a smaller diameter compared to monofilament for the same line size and is typically limp. It is used for flipping and pitching in heavy cover where high strength and good abrasion resistance is needed.
Purchase Fly Fishing Line Here Fly Line is a specialized line made of a plastic coating on a core, and often made tapered (changing diameter) to make fly casting easier. is a specialized line made of a plastic coating on a core, and often made tapered (changing diameter) to make fly casting easier.
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