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In regard to links throughout this Site, you may see a word that is underlined but NOT highlighted blue like a link, It IS a link and these are words that can be found in our Dictionary. In case  you're unfamiliar with some of the fishing lingo.

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Fishing Rules and Regulations

Fishing Licenses   
Why do I Need a Fishing License? Who is Required to Have a Fishing License? How Much Does a Fishing License Cost?
Purchase a Fishing License online      What is a Trout Stamp and Why Do I Need one?  
Fishing Rules and Regulations Size and Number of Fish   Fishing Seasons   Ways of Measuring Fish
Read The Rules and Regulations for a certain US State

These are the basic Fishing Rules and Regulations as far as Fishing Licenses are concerned. Make sure that you are familiar with them.

 A set of Fishing Rules and Regulations is very indispensable for effective operation and management of Fishing Spots. Likewise, a country needs a system of policies concerning matters like how many fish can people catch in a certain period of time, what time of the year can they fish, and how big and how heavy or light the fish must be in order for anglers to be able to keep them.

 Fishing Rules and Regulations are not standardized for each and every country as well as with each and every State within The U.S. These depend on the way a country manages the freshwater and saltwater fisheries. Anglers must take the responsibility of knowing these policies, and of course, comply with them.

 Fishing Licenses

 Having a Fishing License is one of the most important requirements before going fishing. Make sure you know what Fishing Licenses are, how you can get them and of course, where you can get one.

Before you can fish and you are over the age of 18
Some States age of 16
  you will need a fishing license!

Be sure to purchase proper licenses!!!
In most states, licenses aren't required for children 18 and under

States have different licensing regulations and costs. 
Generally, the cost for a non-resident to get a fishing license is more than a resident. States like Minnesota and Florida do have a cheaper 24-hour license available for people visiting from outside of the state.

Find the Rules and Regulations for a certain State in America

Purchase a Fishing License online for a certain State in America

Fishing Rules and Regulations

These are the basic Fishing Rules and Regulations as far as Fishing Licenses are concerned. Make sure that you are familiar with them.

A requirement in almost all countries is that each angler must possess a Fishing License before going Fishing in fresh waters. Some coastal countries even require a separate Fishing License when fishing in salt waters. People who have lived for at least six months in a particular country can buy a resident Fishing License which is valid for one year. You can use your valid driver's license as proof that you are a resident of that country.

 People who are not residents of the country can buy nonresident Fishing Licenses, which are more expensive than resident Fishing Licenses. There are countries that sell nonresident Fishing Licenses for a certain period of time. Usually, this can go from three to ten days. Anglers who are staying at a country in just a couple of days buy this kind of Fishing License.

 Children who are 14 to 16 years of age as well as senior citizens need not to have Fishing Licenses. However, some countries demand teenagers to acquire junior licenses. These are basically less expensive than adult Fishing Licenses. Seniors who are aged 65 and up must have, obviously, senior Fishing Licenses.

 Some countries need supplementary funds for the hatchery operations and researches. They get these finances from the special stamps or cards that the countries require to anglers who are fishing in a certain water or if they are after a particular fish species. These stamps or cards are also required to those who will be fishing in waters that are afflicted with too much Fishing, pollution, or human violations. The special stamp or card is bought separately from the Fishing License, but it must be attached to your Fishing License when you are fishing and its cost depends on the country.

 You can purchase Fishing licenses online, at tackle shops, bait shops, and sporting stores; Gander Mountain, Walmart, Dicks Sporting Goods, etc. Some gas stations might even sell them too. They will be the same price everywhere you go, so it doesn't matter.

They are also available at the branch or main office of the country fish department. Pocket-sized booklets containing the synopsis of country Fishing Rules and Regulations can also be bought at these outlets.

Find the Rules and Regulations for a certain State in America

Why do I Need a Fishing License?

There are two main reasons why anglers need to purchase a fishing license.  The first is to help protect and preserve fish populations.  In most states the money collected from the license is  put towards fish stocking and fishery programs which help keep the fish populations up.  It is really in your best interest to buy a fishing license as it increases your odds of catching fish.

 The second major reason is to help educate the public about fishing regulations and possession quotas.  Before fishing licenses and fishing regulations it was open range for any angler to keep as many fish as they saw fit and as our population grew the fish  populations dropped off fairly rapidly.   Fish populations have since rebounded due largely to the fact of licensing and regulations of game fish.

Who is Required to Have a Fishing License?

This depends largely on where you plan on fishing. 
Each state has their own laws regarding what age anglers must be before they need a license.  Check with you local DEM’s office in order to determine at what age you must be before you need to purchase a license.

You can find out what each state's Rules and Regulations are along with purchasing them online by clicking here

 In some states there are “fish free” days which allow any angler to fish without having a license.  This helps to boost awareness about the wonders of fishing as well as provide and opportunity for newcomers to try out their luck.

How Much Does a Fishing License Cost?

The prices vary by state and can range anywhere from $10 – $30.

  Check your local states DNR website for more detailed information as to where you can purchase one and how much they cost.

What is a Trout Stamp and Why Do I Need one?

 In some states you can purchase a Trout or Salmon stamp in conjunction with your fishing license.  The money collected for the Trout or Salmon stamp generally goes directly to Trout or Salmon stocking programs.  In most cases a stamp is required for you to keep a Trout or Salmon if you catch one.

Size and Number of Fish

 There are size regulations as well as creel limit implemented in most countries. Not all types of fish can be taken out of the water.

Anglers must know that they cannot bring home all the fish that they have caught. Minimum and maximum-size regulations of fish are implemented in almost all countries. The maximum size limit protects larger fish in such a way that those caught at or above stated size must be released. On the other hand, the minimum size limit states that fish that do not meet the minimum size must be released. In this way, smaller fish are protected.

This protective policy says that anglers cannot keep young fish that are not yet in their spawning stage. A certain body of water has more fish that are too young to be caught, and young fish are generally simpler to hook up than older fish. Young fish has an important role to play in the water. If anglers keep on catching young fish, there will be a dramatic change in the water environment. They are in that crucial stage of producing their offspring. When the time comes that there is not enough young fish in the water, Fishing will be greatly affected. Country fish departments set minimum sizes of fish. This can be eight inches for trout, 12 inches for bass, or 16 inches for walleyes. Of course, nature has its own wonders of maintaining balance in our environment. But in the first place, it is your responsibility to abide by this regulation in order to help protect the water.

There is also a regulation on the number of a particular fish that you can bring home after fishing all day. This protective law is termed as creel limit or daily limit. With this law, countries can keep the anglers from catching fish more than the prescribed daily limit.

 Another regulation is the possession limit. In here, you can own a certain number of fish at one time. This is to make disciplinary actions on some anglers who caught fish more than the creel limit and bring all the fish in their car or in their home.

These are the basic Fishing Rules and Regulations as far as the size and number of fish are concerned. Make sure that you are familiar with them.
See United States Listing of DNR Websites
For Rules and Regulations and Purchases of Fishing Licenses

Fishing Seasons

 You can only fish on the Fishing Seasons set by the countries. Fishing Seasons are enforced in order to protect the species from too much fishing.

Aside from the Fishing Regulations on the Size and Number of Fish, you should also abide by the rule that you can only fish on the season set by a certain US State or a  even by a country. Fishing Seasons are enforced in order to protect the species from too much fishing. But most importantly, this is to prevent the anglers from fishing on waters during the spawning stage of the fish. Spawning is the reproductive activity of fish. This is when the female fish releases eggs into the water for fertilization by the male fish.

 Fishing Seasons allow fish to produce offspring, thus providing more fish for years yet to come. In the spawning stage, it is in the fish's instincts to protect their young from anything that can harm them. This explains why this rule is implemented. It is easier to catch fish in the spawning season because the fish will attack your Fishing Lure or Fishing Bait, thinking that it is on the pretense of harming its eggs or young.

 It is very important for countries to implement Fishing Seasons. This is one of the ways of protecting the various species and other marine life as well. Go Fishing only on Fishing Seasons set by the fish department on your area. It really pays to be a responsible angler so make sure to follow all the Fishing Rules and Regulations.

Know when is the right time to fish. Read here to find out more information regarding Fishing Seasons in the US.

Ways of Measuring Fish

 You already know how many fish species are allowed to be fished and what sizes these should be. It is time to learn how to measure a fish. Countries also set appropriate ways of determining these.

Knowing the regulation on the minimum Size of fish you can keep, it is now time to be aware on the right way of measuring fish. It is not as easy as holding a measuring tape against the fish you have caught and write down its size. Countries set the appropriate manner of determining the size of fish. However, the ways of measuring fish may vary among each country.

 If you have caught a fish with a forked tail, which resembles a V, measure it from the very tip of its mouth to the fork, not the tip, of its tail. Measuring it up to either tip of the tail can add a couple more inches to the size, but you may end up bringing home a fish prohibited by the country fish department.

 Instead of always carrying a ruler whenever you go Fishing, a good suggestion is to get nail polish or any permanent pen and put marks one inch apart on your Fishing Rod. In this way, you can have a practical measuring device when you fish. In some species, the size can be increased if you measure the fish with an open mouth. This is because the lower jaw can stick out farther than the upper mouth. So a number of countries impose on anglers that the fish's mouth must be closed while taking its size, though some countries do not have this kind of specific way of measuring fish. You can take the fish's size in whichever point.

These are the basic Fishing Rules and Regulations as far as measuring the fish is concerned. Make sure that you are familiar with them.

Illegal Equipment 

Equipment that is not sporting and takes large numbers of fish is not legal to use. Laws governing such equipment vary from state to state and are tailored to the needs of different locations.

Another Name for Shocking Fish

Telephoning fish got its name from old hand-cranked telephones. When a person cranked the handle it produced an electric current, and fisherman found that they could drop the wires into the water and shock the fish. The fish would float to the top to be scooped up. Theoretically, the fisherman could go to a hole in a creek or river and shock up every fish in it.

There's nothing sporting about catching fish in this manner. You simply scoop them out of the water. And you can take all the fish in an area. This method of taking fish has been outlawed since it was first found, but some people still use it today.

Game and fish biologists use shocking as a legitimate way to count fish. They use a generator rather than an old telephone and send electric current through two booms out in front of a boat. Every fish between the chains hanging down from the booms come to the surface to be counted. They can be released after the count since the current does not kill them.

Traps Can Be Illegal

Fish traps are allowed in some locations for some kinds of fish but other places outlaw them completely. Traps are more common in salt water and can catch large numbers of fish at one time. Saltwater traps are often very big and consist of weirs. Freshwater traps are usually smaller basket-shaped devices for catching minnows and catfish.

Baskets can be used to catch catfish but the legal design makes it less likely game fish will go into them. Simple baskets with an open funnel at one end are usually outlawed, and baskets with trap doors and double funnels are required. In salt water, traps are used to catch many kinds of nonfish species like crabs and lobster, but they can be used for fish, too.

Minnow traps used to catch bait are usually legal but must comply with strict laws. You're regulated on the size, shape, and number of traps you can put out for bait. And you're required to check them regularly so the minnows in them don't die. A trap can be a fun and efficient way to get bait, but you're required to release any game fish you catch.

Certain Nets Are Illegal

Seines and gill nets are often illegal in fresh water but are allowed more often in salt water. The length and mesh size of nets are usually regulated if the nets are allowed at all. Gill nets work to tangle fish when they try to swim through the mesh, so requiring the mesh to be a certain size ensures fish larger and smaller than the mesh are not caught. Game fish can usually escape from a short seine so seine length is regulated to control what can be caught in it.

Cast nets are often used to catch baitfish and are about the only way to collect them. These nets are shaped like a parachute with weights around the edge. When thrown over a school of fish they sink fast and a rope pulls the bottom together around the fish. Any game fish caught in them must be released immediately. In some areas, especially salt water, you're allowed to take some kinds of game fish like mullet with a cast net.

Illegal Hooks

Some states make double and treble hooks illegal and also regulate the number of hooks that can be attached to one line. Some trout streams have single-hook regulations to protect the fish, especially in catch-and-release streams. The hook usually has to be barbless in these streams, too. There are few restrictions on hooks in salt water.

Using hooks to snag fish is illegal in most fishing. Fish running up rivers to spawn are easy to snag under bridges. Fish on the spawning bed can be snagged. And big schools of saltwater fish are often thick enough that snagging works on them, too.

A big treble hook with a lead weight on its shank is usually used for snagging. It's lowered into the water and jerked up sharply, hooking into any fish that's swimming over it. It injures the fish and catches any size and species that happens to be there. Some states and provinces outlaw the selling of big treble hooks for this reason.

Snagging is legal for a few kinds of fish, like paddlefish, because certain fish can't be caught any other way. Some states have very strict laws that allow snagging certain fish, and only those fish, during a limited time each year.

There are no standard Fishing Rules and Regulations implemented in all countries. However, the one sure thing is that countries have their own set of Fishing policies to effectively manage their Fishing Spots. More and more people go Fishing so fish departments are enforcing rules to protect not only the marine species but also the Fishing areas.

Get familiar with the set of Fishing Rules and Regulations implemented in your area and make sure to follow them. Find out Your State's Fishing Laws below.

United States Listing of DNR Websites
For Rules and Regulations and Purchases of Fishing Licenses

Do you know what fishing laws apply in your state? Find out more by using the information links below.



Buy Your Alabama Fishing License Online
Alabama Freshwater Fishing License Information
Alabama Saltwater Fishing License Information

Official Web site of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources 

Alabama Fishing Regulations

Where to Fish in Alabama

Alabama State Public Fishing Lakes - Small, state-owned lakes in Alabama managed for quality bream, bass and catfish fishing.

Other Small Public Lakes - In addition to lakes owned by the Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division, other small lakes (less than 500 acres) are open to the public, usually under a permit basis.

Reservoirs - A list of the large reservoirs in Alabama and a description of management strategies to improve fishing.

Rivers and the Mobile Delta - Information about fishing rivers, streams, and estuaries in Alabama.

Ponds - How to manage Alabama fish ponds for bream (bluegill and redear sunfish) and largemouth bass fishing.

Waters By Region - Fishing opportunities in various parts of Alabama.

Boating Access Points - Links to freshwater boat ramps in Alabama

Fisheries Technical Staff - The fisheries biologists working for the Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division.


Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Alaska Fishing Regulations

Alaska Fishing Regulations

Where to Fish in Alaska



Arizona Game and Fish Department

Where to Fish in Arizona

Arizona Fishing Regulations


Arkansas Fishing License Information
Arkansas Fishing License Prices and Descriptions
Buy Your Arkansas Fishing License Online

  • If you are 16 years or older, an Arkansas fishing license is required to take or attempt to take game fish, turtles or frogs in Arkansas, unless you are fishing in a licensed "put and take pay lake." The license must be carried with you. You may not possess a license that belongs to someone else or one that has been altered, backdated or counterfeited.

  • If you are a nonresident, you may not possess a resident license. If you guide, aid or assist someone else in fishing for hire, you must have a guide license.

  • Arkansas Game & Fish Commission Resident 65-Plus Lifetime License

Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

Where to Fish in Arkansas

Arkansas Fishing Regulations


Buy Your California Fishing License Online

California Department of Fish and Game

Where to Fish in California

California Fishing Regulations


Colorado Fishing License Information
Buy Your Colorado Fishing License Online
Colorado Fishing License Agent List:

     There are over 700 license agents across the state of Colorado. License agents sell hunting and fishing licenses.

Colorado Division of Wildlife
State branch for the federal wildlife regulating body. Includes information on hunting, fishing, wildlife viewing, current news, and related regulations.

Where to fish in Colorado

Colorado Fishing Regulations


Connecticut Fishing Licenses and Permits
Buy Your Connecticut Fishing License Online
Connecticut Saltwater Fishing License FAQ

    Fishing licenses are required for anyone 16 years of age or older fishing in the Inland District. Licenses are issued on a calendar year basis and expire on December 31st.

Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection

Where to fish in Connecticut

Connecticut Fishing Regulations


Delaware Fishing License Information
Buy Your Delaware Fishing License Online
Delaware Fishing License Agents

Delaware Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Governmental division promoting conservation of Delaware's natural resources.

Where to fish in Delaware

Delaware Fishing Regulations

District of Columbia
Washington DC

DC Fishing License Requirements
Buy Your DC Fishing License Online
DC Fishing License Vendor List
All anglers age 16 and older must possess a District fishing license before fishing from District waters.

DC Fisheries and Wildlife Division

    51 N Street, NE (5th Floor)
    Washington, DC 20002
    (202) 535-2260

Where to Fish in District of Columbia

    Fishing Regulations

DC Fishing Regulations


Florida Recreational License and Permit Requirements

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
A guide to the agency responsible for managing Florida's fish and wildlife resources:
includes information and regulations on hunting, fishing, wildlife, etc.

Where to Fish in Florida

Florida Fishing Regulations


Georgia Fishing License Information
Buy Your Georgia Fishing License Online

Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR)

Where to Fish in Georgia

Georgia Fishing Regulations

Georgia Sport Fishing Regulations


Hawaii Fishing Licenses and Permits

Department of Land and Natural Resources - State of Hawaii
Information about the state's management of cultural and natural resources, both terrestrial and marine. 

Where to Fish in Hawaii

Hawaii Fishing Regulations


Idaho Fishing License and Tag Information

Idaho Fish and Game Home Page
The Idaho Fish and Game website, the source of comprehensive information on the pursuit of hunting and fishing activities

Where to Fish in Idaho
Idaho Fishing reports

Idaho Fishing Regulations

Idaho Fishing Seasons and Rules


Illinois Fishing License Information
Buy Your Illinois Fishing License Online
Illinois Resident Lifetime Fishing License Information

Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Find out what's new at the Department, learn its history, follow legislation, download applications for licenses or permits, etc.

Where to Fish in Illinois

Illinois Fishing Regulations


Indiana Fishing License Regulations

    Indiana Fishing License Fees and Purchasing Information
    Buy Your Indiana Fishing License Online
    To fish in public lakes, streams, rivers or tributaries in the state of Indiana or its boundary waters, you must have a valid fishing license. License holders must carry their license while fishing and present it to a conservation officer (or any authorized law enforcement official) upon request. There are fines and penalties for fishing without a license.
    You must also have a valid trout and salmon stamp in your possession to legally fish for or take trout and salmon from public waters.
    Contact: Indiana DNR Customer Service Center (317) 233-4976

Find an Indiana Outdoor fishing license retailer near you

Indiana DNR

Where to Fish in Indiana

Indiana Fishing Regulations

    IN DNR Recreation and Fishing Guide

    The webmaster of this site, The FUNdamentals of Fishing, is from Indianapolis, Indiana. As it be, I have also created a website; This Is Indiana. Clicking on the link will bring up a new page in your Browser so you won't lose this site that you are on now.
    Give it a visit!


Iowa Fishing License Information
Buy Your Iowa Fishing License Online
Iowa Veterans Lifetime Fishing License

    You must pay a trout fee to legally fish for or possess trout if you are a resident or nonresident required to have a fishing license.

Iowa Department of Natural Resources
The Official Home page for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources

Where to Fish in Iowa

Iowa Fishing Regulations


Buy Your Kansas Fishing License Online
Kansas Fishing Licenses & Fees

    To buy your license/permit over the phone call 1-800-918-2877

Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks
The Official Site of Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism.

Where to Fish in Kansas

Kansas Fishing Regulations

Kansas Fishing Regulations
2011 Regulations Kansas Fishing Summary 8.4 MB


Buy Your Kentucky Fishing License/Permit Online
Kentucky Fishing Licenses & Permits Info

Kentucky Department for Natural Resources (DNR)

Where to Fish in Kentucky

Kentucky Fishing Regulations

Kentucky Fishing Regulations
Kentucky Fish Consumption Advisories


Louisiana Recreational Fishing License Information
Buy Your Louisiana Fishing License Online

    Persons taking fish, whether recreationally or commercially, and persons involved in the fish industry, including wholesale/retail dealers and transporters, and vessels involved in the fish industry must be licensed.
    All recreational licenses are valid from the date of purchase and expire on June 30 each year. In addition to other bona fide residency requirements, a Louisiana Driver's License or Louisiana ID Card issued by the Department of Public Safety is required to purchase resident recreational hunting and fishing licenses.

Department of Natural Resources State of Louisiana

Where to Fish in Louisiana

Louisiana Fishing Regulations


Freshwater Fishing License Information

The Maine Department of Conservation

Where to Fish in Maine

Maine Fishing Regulations

Open Water Fishing Regulations & Seasons
Open Water Fishing Laws & Rules
Ice Fishing Laws & Rules
Saltwater Recreational Fishing Regulations


Marylands General Information about Sport Fishing and Crabbing Licenses
Buy Your Maryland Fishing License Online
Maryland Fishing License Service Centers

Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Where to Fish in Maryland

Maryland Fishing Regulations


Buy Your Massachusetts Fishing License Online
Massachusetts Fishing Licensing Frequently Asked Questions

Massachusetts Department of Fish & Game

Where to Fish in Massachusetts

Massachusetts Fishing Regulations

Massachusetts Fishing Regulations


Michigan General Fishing License Info
Michigan Fishing Licenses & Seasons
Buy Your Michigan Fishing License Online

DNR - Department of Natural Resources - State of Michigan

Where to Fish in Michigan

Michigan Fishing Regulations

Michigan Fishing Guide & Regulations


Buy Your Minnesota Fishing License Online
Minnesota Fishing License Information
Minnesota Exemptions and fishing licenses issued without a fee
Minnesota Resident Lifetime Fishing Licenses

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources: Minnesota DNR

The tackle configuration known as the Alabama (Umbrella/Yumbrella) rig as it is commonly promoted is not legal in Minnesota waters.
Alabama/Umbrella/Yumbrella rigs are artificial lure/baits that involve many separate lures/baits attached via wires to a fishing line. Consequently, these rigs are not a single artificial bait/lure, rather a collection of multiple artificial lures/baits each capable of catching a fish.

In the water, the rigs simulate a small school of bait fish and YouTube videos show anglers catching two and even three largemouth bass on an Alabama/Umbrella/Yumbrella rig at the same time.

Minnesota law restricts anglers fishing in inland waters and the Canadian border waters to one artificial lure/bait on a single line. While each artificial lure/bait may have more than one hook (a crankbait, for example), only one lure or tackle configuration is allowed on a single line.

However, a Alabama (Umbrella/Yumbrella) would be legal if not more than one hook or artificial lure/bait is attached. An angler could place a single bait/lure with a hook on one of the wires and attach hookless spinners or plastic baits to the other wires.

On border waters where two lines are allowed, anglers would not be allowed to fish with any other lines at the same time if two hooks, baits or lures are attached to these rigs.

Note: Two lines and two lures/baits are allowed on our border waters with Wisconsin, Iowa and the Dakotas. See page 9 of the 2012 Fishing Regulations pdf (6 MB | 88 pg) for a description of legal tackle and configurations.

Where to Fish in Minnesota

Minnesota Fishing Regulations

Minnesota State Fishing Regulations
Minnesota Special Permits & Licenses


General Fishing License Information for Mississippi
Buy Your Mississippi Fishing License Online

Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, & Parks

Where to Fish in Mississippi

Mississippi Fishing Regulations

Fishing Regulations in Mississippi


Missouri Fishing Permit Information
Missouri Fishing Permit Fees
Buy Your Missouri Fishing Permit Online

Missouri Department of Natural Resources

Where to Fish in Missouri

Missouri Fishing Regulations

Missouri Permits, Seasons & Regulations
Missouri Fishing Seasons


Montana Fishing Licenses & Permit Applications
Buy Your Montana Fishing License Online

Where to Fish in Montana

Montana Fishing Regulations

Montana Fishing Regulations


Nebraska Fishing Permit Types and Fees
Buy Your Nebraska Fishing License Online

Department of Natural Resources - State of Nebraska

Where to Fish in Nebraska

Nebraska Fishing Regulations

Nebraska Fishing Guide


Nevada Fishing Licenses & Permits
Buy Your Nevada Fishing License Online
Nevada Fishing License Fees
Where To Buy a Fishing License in Nevada

The Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Where to Fish in Nevada

Nevada Fishing Regulations

Nevada State Fishing Regulations
How to Fish in Nevada

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Fishing License Information
Buy Your New Hampshire Fishing License Online
Current New Hampshire Fishing License Prices
New Hampshire License Agents Selling Fishing Licenses
New Hampshire Lifetime Fishing Licenses

New Hampshire Fish and Game Department - Connecting you to life outdoors

Where to Fish in New Hampshire

New Hampshire Fishing Regulations

New Hampshire Freshwater Fishing Digest
New Hampshire Saltwater Fishing Digest

New Jersey

New Jersey Fishing License Information
Fishing License Agents in New Jersey
Buy Your New Jersey Fishing License Online

Anyone age 16 and older must have a valid license (see Exceptions) to fish the fresh waters of New Jersey with handline, rod and line, or longbow and arrow. This includes privately owned lakes and other waters. New Jersey does not require a general saltwater fishing license but there are a limited number of saltwater licenses and permits required. (see New Jersey Freshwater and Saltwater Regulations)

NJDEP Division of Fish & Wildlife - State of New Jersey

Where to Fish in New Jersey

New Jersey Fishing Regulations

New Jersey Freshwater and Saltwater Regulations

New Mexico

Buy Your New Mexico Fishing License Online
New Mexico Fishing License Vendors

New Mexico Game and Fish

Where to Fish in New Mexico

New Mexico Fishing Regulations

New Mexico Fishing Rules and Regulations

New York

New York Fishing License Information
Buy Your New York Fishing License Online
New York Lifetime Fishing License

All anglers 16 years of age and older must have a valid fishing license in their possession while fishing in the state of New York.

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Where to Fish in New York

New York Fishing Regulations

New York Freshwater Fishing Regulations
New York General Freshwater Angling Regulations
New York Saltwater Fishing Regulations
New York Shellfish Harvest Limits

North Carolina

Buy Your North Carolina Fishing License Online
North Carolina Saltwater Fishing License Information

NCDENR - North Carolina  Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Where to Fish in North Carolina

North Carolina Fishing Regulations

North Carolina Freshwater Fishing Regulations
Saltwater/Coastal Fishing Regulations for North Carolina

North Dakota

North Dakota General Fishing License Info
North Dakota Fishing Licensing Fees
Buy Your North Dakota Fishing License Online

North Dakota Game and Fish Department

Where to Fish in North Dakota

North Dakota Fishing Regulations

North Dakota Fishing Guide & Regulations


Ohio Fishing License Information
Buy Your Ohio Fishing License Online

Ohio Department of Natural Resources
camping, boating, fishing . . . 

Where to Fish in Ohio

Ohio Fishing Regulations

Ohio Fishing Regulations
Ohio Site-Specific Fishing Regulations
Ohio River Fishing Regulations and License Agreements


Oklahoma General Fishing License Info
Buy Your Oklahoma Fishing License Online

Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation

Where to Fish in Oklahoma

Oklahoma Fishing Regulations

Oklahoma Fishing Guide
Oklahoma Statewide Fishing Regulations
Oklahoma General Fishing Regulations
Oklahoma General Trout Regulations


Oregon Fishing License Information
Buy Your Oregon Fishing License Online
Oregon Fishing License Fees

State of Oregon ODA Natural Resources Division

Where to Fish in Oregon

Oregon Fishing Regulations

Oregon Fishing Regulations
Oregon Regulation Changes & Updates


General Fishing License Information for the State of Pennsylvania
Buy Your Pennsylvania Fishing License Online
Pennsylvania Fishing License Issuing Agents

Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Where to Fish in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Fishing Regulations

Pennsylvania Fishing Regulations

Rhode Island

Rhode Island Fishing License Forms
Buy Your Rhode Island Fishing License Online

Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management

Where to Fish in Rhode Island

Rhode Island Fishing Regulations

Rhode Island Minimum Size and Possession Limits
Rhode Island Freshwater & Anadromous Fisheries Regulations

South Carolina

Buy Your South Carolina Fishing License Online
South Carolina Fishing License Fees
South Carolina Lifetime Fishing License Application (PDF)

South Carolina Department of Natural Resources

Where to Fish in South Carolina

South Carolina Fishing Regulations

South Carolina Fishing Rules and Regulations

South Dakota

South Dakota Fishing License & Permit Information
Buy Your South Dakota Fishing License Online
South Dakota Fishing License Fees

South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Where to Fish in South Dakota

South Dakota Fishing Regulations

South Dakota Fishing Regulations (PDF)


Tennessee Fishing License Information
Buy Your Tennessee Fishing License Online

Fishing licenses go on sale February 18 each year, the beginning of prime fishing, and are valid through the last day of February. You can purchase most licenses, except the Lifetime Sportsman License, from most county clerks, sporting goods stores, hardware stores, boat docks and all Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency regional offices.

Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency

Where to Fish in Tennessee

Tennessee Fishing Regulations

Tennessee Fishing Regulations


Texas Fishing License Information
Buy Your Texas Fishing License Online
Buy a Fishing License at a Texas Local Retailer
Texas Fishing Licenses and Packages

A valid fishing license with a freshwater or saltwater stamp is required to take fish, mussels, clams, crayfish or other aquatic life in the public waters of Texas.

Texas Parks & Wildlife Department

Where to Fish in Texas

Texas Fishing Regulations

Texas Fishing Regulations
Texas Statewide Bag and Length Limits
Texas Bag and Length Limits for Saltwater Fish


Utah Fishing License Information
Buy Your Utah Fishing License Online
Fishing License Agents in Utah
Utah Fishing License & Permit Fee Information

All anglers 12 years old and older need a valid Utah fishing license to fish in Utah.  Fishing licenses for 12 and 13 year olds are only $5 for residents and non-residents.

Utah Division of Wildlife Resources

Where to Fish in Utah

Utah Fishing Regulations

Utah Fishing Rules & Regulations


Vermont Fishing License Information
Buy Your Vermont Fishing License Online
Vermont Fishing License Agents

Vermont Fish & Wildlife

Where to Fish in Vermont

Vermont Fishing Regulations

Vermont Fishing Regulations


Virginia Fishing License Information & Fees
Buy Your Virginia Fishing License Online
Virginia Freshwater/Saltwater Fishing License Lines on Tidal Waters

Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries

Where to Fish in Virginia

Virginia Fishing Regulations

Virginia Freshwater Fishing Regulations
Virginia Game/Sport Fish Regulations


Washington Fishing License Fees
Buy Your Washington Fishing License Online
Authorized Fishing License Sales Locations in Washington

Contact Licensing
Mailing Address
WDFW - Licensing Division
600 Capitol Way N.
Olympia, WA 98501-1091

Washington State Department of Natural Resources

Where to Fish in Washington

Washington Fishing Regulations

Do you know what fishing laws apply in your state? Find out more by using the information links below.
Washington Fishing Regulations & Seasons 
For fishing regulation questions, send an e-mail to

Washington DC
See District of Columbia

West Virginia

West Virginia Fishing License Information
Buy Your West Virginia Fishing License Online
West Virginia Fishing License Agents

West Virginia Division of Natural Resources

Where to Fish in West Virginia

West Virginia Fishing Regulations

West Virginia Fishing Regulations 


Buy Your Wisconsin Fishing License Online
Wisconsin Resident Fishing License Information
Nonresident Fishing License Information for the State of Wisconsin
Fishing License Sales Locations in Washington

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Where to Fish in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Fishing Regulations

Wisconsin Fishing Regulations
Wisconsin Total Daily Bag Limits


Wyoming Fishing License Forms & Applications
Buy Your Wyoming Fishing License Online
Wyoming Fishing License Types & Fees

Wyoming Game & Fish Department

Where to Fish in Wyoming

Wyoming Fishing Regulations

Wyoming Fishing Regulations (PDF)


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It is important that people who fish follow all fishing rules and regulations.
These rules help conserve fish populations and also help anglers be successful.
Regulations may limit the size of, number of, and season that a type of fish may be caught, and may require a license to fish. In some cases, only “catch and release” fishing is allowed, which means the fish must be let go. Some bait is illegal in certain areas.
Contact your state wildlife agency by visiting Our Rules and Regulations Page.

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If you have any hints, suggestions, techniques or anything that you would like to share or have me put onto this web page,
please feel free to Email me

Copyright © Jon's Images, Inc.
All rights reserved

This website is the composition of many hours of research. Information contained within this site has come from numerous sources such as websites, newspapers, books, and magazines.

No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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DISCLAIMER: PLEASE READ - By printing, downloading, or using you agree to our full terms. If you do not agree to the full terms, do not use the information. We are only publishers of this material, not authors. Information may have errors or be outdated. Some information is from historical sources or represents opinions of the author. It is for research purposes only. The information is "AS IS", "WITH ALL FAULTS". User assumes all risk of use, damage, or injury. You agree that we have no liability for any damages. We are not liable for any consequential, incidental, indirect, or special damages. You indemnify us for claims caused by you.

Please be advised that the content of this site is a source of information only. The FUNdamentals of Fishing Website cannot take responsibility for animal welfare or actions taken as a result of information provided, and if in doubt you should seek the advice of a qualified physician or veterinarian.

I do not suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it!