In regard to links throughout this Site, you may see a word that is underlined but NOT highlighted blue like a link, It IS a link and these are words that can be found in our Dictionary. In case you're unfamiliar with some of the fishing lingo.
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How To Bait A Hook
Live bait should always appear to the fish to be alive. Once you put them on your hook they will eventually die, so you need to make them look like they are still alive! When attaching the worm to the hook, you'll want to hook the worm more than once so it stays on the hook.
The less
you handle the bait with your fingers, the more effective your bait
will be.
There are small, syringe-like
applicators that allow anglers
to bait hooks without touching the bait at all I wouldn't recommend hand soap or sanitizer, as it may not fully eliminate the scent.
the diagrams below to learn how to hook different types of live bait:
from your local butcher injected into the worm with a syringe is the
ultimate attractant. Air 'em Up A way to make a night crawler more visible and enticing to fish is to inject them with small amounts of air, this allows the bait to float off the bottom when using weighted bottom rig. Bait shops sell worm air injectors, a small bottle with a needle and a protective cap. Click here for another lil' trick to having big, fat, juicy worms every time you go fishing
worm or Grubs They can be used singly or in multiples.
larger hooks, such as size 2. Can either be hooked like a red worm
or in one spot only. To give the worm a natural look, run the hook
inside the worm to hide the shank and barely bring the point of the
hook through the skin of the worm. Red Worms They should be hooked through the suction cup in the tail. Leeches have suction cups at both ends. But the tail suction cup disk is larger than the head disk.
Hooking it through the tail will allow it to swim in a very natural and enticing manner. When a fish strikes, a leech often rolls up in a ball, wrapping around your hook and making hooksets tough. If using larger leeches, a bigger hook should be used in order to combat this predicament.
is a simple rule of thumb when using leeches. Don't fish them faster
than they can naturally swim. The attraction is the swimming motion. Minnows Minnows can be attached to a hook various ways:
Rigging Crayfish
The most common way of rigging Crayfish is to hook them through its tail with a larger Fish Hook and using them with a split shot. Another method is to slowly hook the Crayfish through the ridge between its eyes. Be careful when doing this because you might kill it when you hook it too deeply. In this set-up, use a split shot only when necessary. Whatever method you use, your objective must be to make the Crayfish look natural.
not as popular, frogs can be great bait for both bass and walleye.
Leopard frogs are the most common and easily found bait for those
looking to use them.
the frog through both lips, coming up from the bottom. This will
present a life-like presentation, while allowing the frog to swim in
a natural manner. Rigging Crickets
Use a fine-wire Fish Hook. Place a split shot about six inches above it. It would be better if you use a lighter weight. Insert the Fish Hook in the thorax of the cricket.
You want to use thin wire hooks for
sunfish (#6-#10) and medium-sized hooks for bass and catfish (#1 or
#2). Make sure the point of the hook is completely covered to
increase bites. Rigging Grasshoppers
have this distinctive trait of splashing into the water naturally.
They do not splash in like a rock. To fish with grasshoppers, hook
the insect through the collar or the thorax part. A dead
grasshopper can still be used as a Fishing Bait, but a live one is
still more effective. Place one or two split shots then cast out. How To Hook Maggots Always hook the maggot blunt end first, and use the sharpest hook you can find. The maggot mustn’t burst when you pass the hook through the flattened part of the skin – the hook should just lightly nick the skin. If it does burst, do it again with a fresh bait. If you intend using more than one maggot on your hook, keep hooking the baits in the blunt end so they sit next to each other perfectly.
maggots are superb for long sessions for big fish as they won’t
bury themselves in the mud and silt on the lake or river bed. To kill
them put them in a polythene bag, squeeze out all the air and pop
them into the freezer for a day or two. Hellgrammite
bait for Still Fishing
bait for Trolling
are other methods of catching fish
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any hints, suggestions, techniques or anything that you would like to share
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I do not suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it! |