In regard to links throughout this Site, you may see a word that is underlined but NOT highlighted blue like a link, It IS a link and these are words that can be found in our Dictionary. In case you're unfamiliar with some of the fishing lingo.
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Fishing Rigs
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Rig is a word used to talk about the way you tie together bait, lures, hook, swivels, leaders, sinkers, bobbers, flashers, dodgers, cheese doodles and anything else you can attach to a piece of fishing line. A rig might be held by a rod, by hand, or attached to a boat or pier. Some rigs are designed to float near the surface of the water, others are designed to sink to the bottom. Some rigs, such as the yellow gollywobbler, are designed for trolling. Many rigs are designed especially for catching a single species of fish.
But just because you can tie a lot of different things to a line, doesn't mean that making a rig has to be complicated.
are a productive and easy way to catch many different species of fish. Crappie Rigs
by attaching the Crappie Rig
Carolina rig Carolina rig or Carolina-rigged - A special rig in which an exposed or hidden hook is used with a soft plastic lure placed 2 to 3 feet behind an egg or barrel sinker and swivel. Used primarily for deep fishing with heavier weights than a Texas rig. This rig is most commonly used with a plastic worm or lizard, but can be used with floating crankbaits and other lures. A variation on this theme is using a lighter, spinning outfit with a split shot placed on the line 12 to 30 inches above the hook, with a small worm or lizard (4 to 6 inches) rigged Texas style. This style can be used in shallow or deep water, and is especially good for use in the clear, Western reservoirs, or when it is appropriate to down-size, such as in winter.
Very similar to the Texas rig, the only difference is the weight is secured by "screwing" it into the bait. Marabou Jig A weighted jig with light, fluffy feathers attached to the body.
rig (Texas-rigged) - The method of securing a hook to a soft-plastic
bait, such as a worm, lizard or crawfish, so that the hook is
weedless (doesn't protrude). Typically, a slip sinker (often a bullet
sinker) is threaded onto the line and then a hook is tied to the end
of the fish line. The hook (often an offset hook) is inserted into
the head of the soft-plastic bait for about one-quarter of an inch
and brought through until only the eye is still embedded in the
soft-plastic bait. The hook is then rotated and the point is embedded
slightly into the body of the soft-plastic worm without coming out
the opposite side. Many anglers try to ensure the bait stays straight
once it is Texas-rigged.
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