In regard to links throughout this Site, you may see a word that is underlined but NOT highlighted blue like a link, It IS a link and these are words that can be found in our Dictionary. In case you're unfamiliar with some of the fishing lingo.
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Sinkers are weights used to cast your bait, take bait to the bottom, hold bait in place, or keep your bobber upright. Sinkers are designed in several different shapes and sizes and are used for various types of fishing techniques. They range in size from BB split shot to five pounds, something short of a cannon ball. In many cases, you will place your sinker 4 to 8 inches above your hook to allow live bait to look natural to the fish.
fishing sinker is a weight used to increase the hook and line's rate
of sink, anchoring ability, and/or casting distance.
you will need to start off are some BB sized split shot sinkers. A
small ball of lead of varying weights that is split open on one side
and can be placed by squeezing them directly on the line without tying. Or you can use Rubber Core Sinkers which are like a split shot, however split shot sinkers are not reusable and may nick or damage your fishing line. If you expect to be swapping out sinkers often, consider a rubber core sinker.
Use Sinkers to position the Fishing Bait or Fishing Lure deeper into the water.
Sinkers or Weights are important Fishing Tools. The primary purpose of Sinkers is to place the Fishing Bait or Fishing Lure deeper into the water. They come in various kinds: Split Shots, Sliding, Casting or Dipsey, and Trolling Sinkers. This is our collection of Sinkers that you can choose from.
Sinkers are lead weights used to cast light lures and to drop the bait quickly to the bottom of the lake or river bottom, where most fish swim.
in together with bobbers, they hold the line at a given point.
sinkers are usually made of lead and come in many different shapes,
sizes, and weights.
will have to experiment with the size to get the float to set right. One easy sinker to use is called a split shot.
It is a small round piece of lead with a slit in it. To attach the sinker, just slide your line through the slit and squeeze the lead together.
Note: There are now alternatives to lead sinkers. These alternatives are usually made of steel, ceramic or cement. If you loose your sinker, these alternatives are safer for water birds. For most shore fishing, pinch on one or two small weights the size of a BB, about 10 inches up from you hook. Use only enough to sink the bait. If the fish feels too much weight it will drop the bait before you can set the hook. Another kind of weight is called an egg sinker.
It is made of lead, shaped like a chicken egg, and has a hole through the middle. To use an egg sinker, run your line through the hole and place a split shot below the sinker to hold it in place. An egg sinker will attach more weight to the line, but when the fish takes your bait it won't feel the weight because the line slips through the sinker. More on SINKERS (weights)
Weights or Sinkers. Only enough weight should be used to cast the bait and keep it at the desired depth. More weight will be needed in windy weather or swift water. To prevent losing a fish, weights should be attached carefully, especially when they clamp on the fishing line directly between the hook and the angler.
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Jon's Images, Inc. This website is the composition of many hours of research. Information contained within this site has come from numerous sources such as websites, newspapers, books, and magazines. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.
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