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My brother Quintin received the following passage
from his friend Bobby on April 9, 1999.
That was the day Daddy died.

Bare foot and dirty, the girl
just sat and watched
the people go by.
She never tried to speak,
she never said a word.
Many people passed,
but never did one person stop.

Just so happens the next day
I decided to go back to
the park, curious
if the little girl would
still be there.
Right in the very spot
as she was yesterday,
she sat perched on high, with the
saddest look in her eyes.
Today I was to make my move and walk over
to the little girl.
As we all know, a park full of
strange people is not a place for
young children to play alone.

As I began walking towards
her I could see the back
of the little girl's
dress indicated a deformity.
I figured that was the
reason the people
just passed by and made
no effort to help.As I got
closer, the little girl
slightly lowered her eyes to
avoid my intent
stare. I could see the shape of
her back more clearly.
It was grotesquely shaped
in a humped over form.
I smiled to let her know
it was OK.
I was there to
help, to talk.

I sat down beside her and
opened with a simple
The little girl
acted shocked and stammered
out a hi after a long stare
into my eyes.
I smiled and she shyly smiled back.
We talked 'til
darkness fell and
park was completely empty.
Everyone was gone and we
at once were alone.
I asked the girl why she was so sad.
Thelittle girl looked at
me and with a sad face said
"Because I'm different."

I immediately said, "that you are!" and smiled.
The little girl acted
even sadder. She said, "I know."
"Little girl," I said, "you remind me
of an angel, sweet and innocent."
She looked at me
and smiled, and slowly
she stood to her feet, and said, "Really?"
"Yes, ma'am, you're like a
little guardian angel sent to
watch over all those
people walking by."

She nodded her head yes and smiled,
and with that she
spread her wings
and said, "I am.
I'm your guardian angel," with a
twinkle in her eye.
I was speechless, sure that
I was seeing things.
She said,
"For once you thought of someone
other than yourself,
my job here is done."

Immediately I stood to my feet
and said, "So why did no one stop
to help an angel?"
She looked at me and smiled,
"You're the only one
who could see me, and you
believe it in your heart."

And She was gone.
And with that my life was changed
So, when you think you're all you have,
remember, your angel is
always watching over you.

Quintin wrote back;
Your E-mail touched me in a special way, as the day you sent it to me my Father passed away. My Dad , like the little girl in the story, was different from other people. He too had a hump back from having Polio when he was ten years old. There were many times in his life when people treated him badly, and looked him at strangely, but he always managed to give them a friendly smile. My Dad lived a good life, he left behind a lovely Wife, six Children, fourteen Grandchildren, and two Great Grandchildren! He also has joined four Grandchildren , and his Mom in heaven. Your letter gave me a feeling of peace and that maybe my dad is better of now and that his suffering has ended.

Thanks Bobby - Quintin

Isn't it wonderful that God is always in control of our lives and the lives of the people we love and care about.