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Books on Lucid Dreaming and Consciousness

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lucid dreams to you Lucid Dreams in 30 Days: The Creative Sleep Program by Pamela Weintraub and Keith Harary
Inexpensive and informative on techniques. Practical exercises not theroies; it's highly recommended and a popular selection at amazon. Can be purchased at reduced rate as a companion to the La Berge book. Ships in 3 days.
lucid dreams to you All About Dreams: Everything You Need to Know About Why We Have Them, What They Mean, and How to Put Them to Work for You by Gayle Delaney
Focus: how to interpret them, why they are important, and how to actively use them in waking life. Ships in 24 hours.
lucid dreams to you Living Your Dreams...on Becoming Your Own Dream Expert by Gayle Delaney
So what's it all about anyway? Recommend especially for people who rarely remember their dreams. Ship in 24 hrs.
lucid dreams to you Teach Yourself to Dream: A Practical Guide to Unleashing the Power of the Subconscious Mind by David Fontana
Techniques for dream recovery and dream control: over 50 exercises. Also includes many great illustrations. This book was out of print for over a year. It's back; it's great! Get it now before it disappears again. Ships in 24 hrs.
lucid dreams to you Out the In Door: New Techniques in Lucid Dreaming Mind by Michael J. Szul
Really are "new" techniques here not found in other books (ie La Berge). Not very well written, but the techniques work and emphasis is on practice of lucid dreaming not reading/writing skills. Ships in 1 or 2 days.
lucid dreams to you Dreamgates: An Explorer's Guide to the Worlds of Soul, Imagination, and Life Beyond Death by Robert Moss
For the advanced dreamers and "frequent flyers" many new realms to explore. Excellant map of the dream world. Hurry up and order 2 left in stock as of 11/22/01. Ships in 24 hrs.
lucid dreams to you Dream Gates: A Journey into Active Dreaming (six tapes) by Robert Moss
Take a trip with Moss as your guide. Explore the world of dreams in a way that will amaze you. Again an excellent map of the dream world and now with an expert tour guide to point out the "high spots". Ships in 24 hrs.
lucid dreams to you Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell
by Aldous Huxley

You haven't read this? Huxley's classic essays on the mescalin experience and expansion of consciousness (not just about drugs). Ships in 24 hrs.
lucid dreams to you Dream Power by Ann Faraday
Like Garfield, she was writing and lecturing about lucid dreaming long before the days of LaBerge's proof! Another excellent wake up call. Currently on backorder: 3 to 4 wks, can be puchased used for $2.25 at the present time.
lucid dreams to you The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are by Alan Watts
"The alternative view": Okay if you haven't read this classic, you should and for all the "old" fans: it's time to give Watts' books as gifts or pump up your library so check out more available books by Allan Watts Ships in 24 hrs.
lucid dreams to you Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse
Hermann Hesse!! What's he doing on this list? Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946! "But he writes fiction". His books are great and related to consciousness and dreaming, so... I feel other's will love them too! If you haven't read these books you are in for a treat; if you've read some of them, read the others or give them as gifts. See more titles by Hesse Ships in 24 hrs.

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