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You think as long as you have your beer and your drive-thru's and your televisions to quench your physical desires that the countries fine. Yet you complain about the injustices everyday.
Somewhere in you, you know that there is something wrong. Yet you go to work, come home, watch t.v., sleep, go about your life, and do nothing about it. Every time they take away another freedom you grimace and complain and do nothing. They put a fifty cent tax on cigarettes today, you do nothing. They closed down your favorite bar today, you do nothing. A case of police brutality today, you do nothing. Raised taxes again, you do nothing. They banned automatic rifles today, you do nothing. But they'll take all your guns away tomorrow, and you'll do nothing. they'll ban hunting, you'll do nothing. They'll take away social security and you'll do nothing. You'll just sit their on your ass and watch them strip you of all your rights,... and you'll do nothing.
When will you wake up? When will you listen? When the tax rate is so high you can't afford those amenities any longer? When you're evicted because you can't pay the rent? When your kids get sick and die because health insurance is too high? Apathy is the disease of our generation. Too comfortable to change, easier to ignore than to deal with it. The corporations have fed us full of their products and services. So full we are bloated and sick.
Our greed and our selfishness drives our lives now. I want it now, I want it easy, and I want it cheap. We indulge ourselves in the bounty of our society and blind our eyes to the problems of our society. Illiteracy, poverty, homelessness, teen pregnancy, drug abuse and various others are all on the rise. They can be seen everyday at work, at home, at school, at church, in your neighborhoods, and on our streets. We have tried to fix and cover over these problems, but maybe we just aren't attacking the source.
We are raised in a society that teaches to hate and to fear. We are raised in a school system that teaches that what ever is in the book is right. That whatever the teacher says is the only truth, and you are punished if you disagree. You are taught the history of a racist, oppressive country, and told you should be proud of it. You are forced to stand and recite a pledge of allegiance to a country and a flag that you can't even comprehend yet. All through school we're taught that America is perfect. That we are free, that we have a constitution that guarantees us equal rights, and that everything is just fine and dandy. Then you get out into the world and either keep believing that bullshit and have a miserable life working 9 to 5 in a dead end job; or you come to the realization that everything you've ever known, everything you've ever been taught just doesn't add up. It just doesn't fit into real life. You realize that America is far from perfect when you see the millions of problems we face every day. You realize that we are far from free, and you realize that the constitution is nothing more than a shit rag that politicians manipulate and change to fit their needs, and drag around to use in their blame games to gain sympathy so they can get elected/ reelected. You realize that the constitution has been destroyed by greedy men who take away our rights so they can feed their pockets with $, and to uphold their pride and righteousness.
Our prison systems don't reform. Our police force is corrupt. Our judicial system only helps those with enough money to afford a good attorney. Our laws and courts don't protect the rights of the people. Our health care doesn't care. Our social security doesn't insure security. Our welfare doesn't cut it. Our streets are filthy, crime is on the rise... Let's face it, we're drowning. Our society is so complex that everyone is clue less as to what is going on.
Our problems increase everyday, but so do our taxes. So where is all the money going to? Into the pockets of millions of useless government agencies and organizations. Into supposedly making the country better. Into our police force that neither protects or serves, but instead rapes and murders. It goes into our school systems that don't teach our kids. In to our welfare systems that don't feed the hungry or cloth the naked. It goes into our military that spends billions upon billions of dollars fucking up the world abroad. Then domestically we spend just as much on legislating and enforcing morality. Like the war on drugs. Outlawing prostitution, gambling, under age drinking, and the hundreds and thousands of other things that we've individually but not collectively decided were immoral.
I don't want to live in a system that you have to be a millionaire to be heard. I don't want to live in fear of my government and what they can do to me if they don't what I have to say. and I don't want to live in a society full of hate, greed, and ignorance. I'm sick of being apathetic. I'm not going to stand idly by while they take away our rights. It's time for a change.PREVIOUS DOCUMENTS OF THE MONTH:
- by Brandon Rocque 5-21-00